UI.X Classic

UI.X Classic [Paid]

No permission to buy ($35.00)
Quick question, are you planning to maintain this styles or not?

Obviously trying to see ahead if I have to look for alternatives or staying with TH style.
Our styles should stay maintained for at least the remainder of XF 2.2. Second dot support will depend on how big the changes to the core software are, but definitely aren't off the table.
Our styles should stay maintained for at least the remainder of XF 2.2. Second dot support will depend on how big the changes to the core software are, but definitely aren't off the table.
That's good to know, so I can still use TH styles.

I'm trying to install this theme on a xenForo 2.2.9 board. I tried both with XML files and with the UI.X Add-on. But I receive this error from the parent theme:

Line 1165: Template tags are not well formed. Tag if was found when expecting set. - Template modifications: public PAGE_CONTAINER

Is there a way to fix it? Thanks in advance!
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I'm trying to install this theme on a xenForo 2.2.9 board. I tried both with XML files and with the UI.X Add-on. But I receive this error from the parent theme:

Line 1165: Template tags are not well formed. Tag if was found when expecting set. - Template modifications: public PAGE_CONTAINER

Is there a way to fix it? Thanks in advance!
Hello Federico! I have not experienced an issue like this myself but would be happy to take a closer look to see what is going on. Would you please create a ticket on our support portal when you get a chance, please?
This month alone 2 people asked me for the Theme, and guessed it right in up front! I ****ing love this theme, and your hole Themehouse Team you little geniuses! Much love!
I am trying to override the color of the social icons in the footer via extra.less, but the default color #767676 still applies. I want each of the social icons to have their own color, both in default and hover state. Any tips?
This is the code I've tried with different levels of specificity and the icons are still gray.

.uix_socialMedia li a#js-XFUniqueId91 .fab.fa-facebook {
    color: #3b5998 !important;

.uix_socialMedia li a#js-XFUniqueId92 .fab.fa-twitter {
    color: #1DA1F2 !important;

.uix_socialMedia li a#js-XFUniqueId93 .fab.fa-youtube {
    color: #FF0000 !important;

/* hover states */
.uix_socialMedia li a#js-XFUniqueId91:hover .fab.fa-facebook,
.uix_socialMedia li a#js-XFUniqueId92:hover .fab.fa-twitter,
.uix_socialMedia li a#js-XFUniqueId93:hover .fab.fa-youtube {
    opacity: 0.8; 
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