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[tLk] Usergroup Legend

it needs one more controllerpublic extend proccess for recent-activity page (which is include sidebar_online_users template)
i will check it as soon as possible ;)
I downloaded this and I am not seeing it anywheres on my page.. I was able to change the colors of my user groups but I don't have a list of the user groups with there colors in a legend anywheres.. any ideas? I would like it on my sidebar under users online

Same here.

Tried to include it manually, but it does not work. We are using XF 1.0.4
Well I just made a widget and coded it in html.... so atleast I have a legend and I have it on my sidebar..
What put this mod over the top in Vbulletin was when the usergroups were links showing the members in each group.
it doesn't work if i include the template in the xenporta online user block, anyone knows how to make it work?
Only two of my usergroups are showing in the legend, plus can someone give step by step instructions on how to have different colours for each usergroup, I'm a complete noob
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