Social Groups for XenForo [Paid] [Deleted]

Thak you Rigel

Downloaded and intalled fine. I shall wait to see if you have any more info about the privacy issue im experiancing.

Thanks again.
Hi Rigel, Just wondered if you have had chance to look at my issue with not being able to see groups set to Private.
Hi Rigel, Just wondered if you have had chance to look at my issue with not being able to see groups set to Private.
Private groups are hidden by default, including administrators or the "bypass privacy" permission. They seem to be accessible only if you know the url of the group you are trying to reach.
I'll fix that bug in a future version.
I can't understand why link formats ?
That prefix was chosen in the event that XenForo (or somebody else) released a groups add-on or some other functionality that had the prefix "groups". To avoid collisions, it is extremely unlikely that somebody chooses that particular one.

I tried to design it as much as possible so it won't break on future XF updates.

How can we change that. I have already paid for it. and it's that prefix that makes me not use it. If another addon comes out or XF make one, I'll come to that when it happens. but Iwould really like to know how to do it.
Hi there! We're interested in this a bit for a large community we do have some questions.
  • Do threads/messages count for overall board statistics as well?
  • Are groups given their own node physically in the software, or is it just a table that's used?
  • Can staff see all the groups?
  • What happens when a group gets deleted, does all the messages/discussions get lost?
Hi there! We're interested in this a bit for a large community we do have some questions.
  • Do threads/messages count for overall board statistics as well?
Yes, they do

  • Are groups given their own node physically in the software, or is it just a table that's used?
That is a really weird question
  • Can staff see all the groups?
Depends on you. There is a permission setting "Can bypass privacy options". The person that has that setting on can view private groups.

  • What happens when a group gets deleted, does all the messages/discussions get lost?

No. the group is soft-deleted, but the group is no longer accesible.
Do the threads behave like regular threads? Can they be moved to an archive forum for example?

Does this support PHP 5.4?

Edit: Can posts be "liked"?

Edit again: Will the avatar thread listings be edited in the future? It seems inconsistant with strange lining/uneven.
Do the threads behave like regular threads? Can they be moved to an archive forum for example?

No. They are not threads, they are their own system. You can have threads inside social groups, but they cannot be moved anymore than profile posts cannot be moved to a thread.

There is an exception, though, there is functionality to "move" a thread to a social group, the reason being some people imported social groups as threads using the unofficial vb4 importer.

Does this support PHP 5.4?

I haven't tested it. I don't see why it wouldn't

Edit: Can posts be "liked"?

Will the avatar thread listings be edited in the future? It seems inconsistant with strange lining/uneven.

I have no plans on improving that at this moment.
Thank you for the answers. :).

Discussing this with the staff to decide to purchase or not. Thanks! Have a great evening.
Another question. How will staff be able to see a list of all groups if they can bypass the privileges?
There's a feature you don't have that we'd like to suggest.
  • Allow a thread to be stickied inside of a social group.
  • Allow posts to be reported.
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