XF 1.4 Sitemap XML

XenForo 1.4 includes a complete and extensible implementation of the Sitemap XML standard, allowing for optimised indexing of your site by search engines.

for like SEO and stuff...

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As always, please don't post suggestions in this thread, but rather use the appropriate suggestions forum.
Ahh, such a nice addition! I updated to using the beta on one of my small test boards and it's nearly doubled the total indexed pages with Google. I'm looking forward to the official 1.4 release.

View attachment 81155

An increase in indexed pages isn't necessarily a good thing. You might want to see what new pages Google has started indexing to be sure it's content you want indexed.
Interesting, it looks like Google recognizes the difference between pages and images with the built in sitemap vs the addon version I was using previously.

Can you exclude certain nodes from the sitemap?
Strictly speaking, removing a node from the sitemap is pointless because search engines will still discover it; it only makes sense when combined with something that would noindex a node.

(Though I think your context is actually relating to an add-on so the ideal situation probably would be to have that add-on handle things itself, but another add-on would be a simple way of solving the problem.)
Strictly speaking, removing a node from the sitemap is pointless because search engines will still discover it; it only makes sense when combined with something that would noindex a node.

(Though I think your context is actually relating to an add-on so the ideal situation probably would be to have that add-on handle things itself, but another add-on would be a simple way of solving the problem.)

Well it makes sense in my case as the nodes that I'm excluding from the sitemap are being 301 redirected to another domain with the other addon. No sense including those in the sitemap as it'll probably only confuse the spiders.
There used to be a "Sitemap for Xenforo" add-on. What happened to the thread where that was housed? I need to know whether it's safe to uninstall that. Seems to me I remember someone saying that the uninstallation failed. Anyone have any experience with uninstalling this? Thanks.
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