Implemented Single Sign On (Connect XF with XF, WordPress, etc)


Well-known member
It would be really awesome if we would be able to connect multiple XF installs. Or a XF install with Wordpress, Magento, MediaWiki, etc.
Members would be able to use multiple sites and scripts with the same login or while they keep being logged in.

XF 2.1 has a REST API. Please extend this to OAuth (Open Authentication)

Remarks from the REST API suggestion thread:
- Remote user authentication by calling direct to the authentication system without having to reload or redirect people

There is still no outside script that can say "Log this user into XenForo". All the APIs I've seen require you to pass the login/email and password. Well, what if I don't have/store their password? Or what if I don't want to store the user's password in XenForo's database? What if I don't want to send that information across a domain? I should be able to have an outside script just TELL XenForo "user with e-mail address X should now be considered logged in!"

If you want to read just how painful it currently is to integrate XenForo with a third-party script that will be handling all the authentication, read here:
I can only imagine the explosion of apps and third-party integrations that would be released...

It would be so cool to see what gets built. And OAuth authentication... ah, the possibilities!
Upvote 346
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
this is very needed also for joomla users like me, cause we don't have any bridge for xenforo
Currently we are using aMemberPro

In 2017 I implemented a SAML plugin for Xenforo 1.5 for a customer and contacted with Xero team to see if there were some interest to agree on some partnership, but they weren't interested. It had SSO, SLO, auto-provisioning.

I'm a SAML expert and implemented SAML integrations for Magento, Moodle, Wordpress, Limesurvey, OsTicket, SugarCRM, Piwik, Drupal, ...

It is 2020 and I believe an SSO feature is crucial for many companies, to allow them to connect Xenforo with its SAML Identity Provider.

If there is interest, I can work on a new extension for Xenforo2 and sell it. but I need to know how many are interested in such extension
and also, what do you think is an affordable price for such extension.
Right on. Drupal 9 please.
The developers don't comment on whether a feature is going to be added or not.

If it is added it will be mentioned in the HYS forum and the thread will be marked as [Implemented] and moved to the closed suggestions forum.
I desperately need the ability to have a user create an account in either Wordpress or XF and have the same user created in the other system. From there, whichever way it needs to work, once the user logs in once, they are logged into both systems.

I was able to implement exactly this using a vBulletin forum many years ago. I would strongly prefer to have a well supported commercial off-the-shelf solution that I can plug and play rather than have to custom code it. Anything that the XF team could do to enable SAME sign on in this manner would be a significant and important value-added feature for the XF platform.

As for the ThemeHouse bridge that's currently available, I asked some very basic questions of their sales team and had to wait for them to loop in a developer who didn't seem to be a part of their core team. The answers I got back weren't very inspiring. Their product works best when you use their theme, and it includes a lot of features that I would never use. It's far more complicated than what I'm looking for. I really don't understand why there aren't more commercial options available.
I desperately need the ability to have a user create an account in either Wordpress or XF and have the same user created in the other system. From there, whichever way it needs to work, once the user logs in once, they are logged into both systems.

I was able to implement exactly this using a vBulletin forum many years ago. I would strongly prefer to have a well supported commercial off-the-shelf solution that I can plug and play rather than have to custom code it. Anything that the XF team could do to enable SAME sign on in this manner would be a significant and important value-added feature for the XF platform.

As for the ThemeHouse bridge that's currently available, I asked some very basic questions of their sales team and had to wait for them to loop in a developer who didn't seem to be a part of their core team. The answers I got back weren't very inspiring. Their product works best when you use their theme, and it includes a lot of features that I would never use. It's far more complicated than what I'm looking for. I really don't understand why there aren't more commercial options available.
I recommend you follow the XFtoWP addon in case you haven’t seen it, I am about to drop a beta version of the upcoming user sync feature you won’t want to miss:

Native XF> WP integration would clinch it for me. Heck, even just adding a publication date and time plus drafts mode to the current articles feature would do me. Then, everything would be in the one product, increasing reliability when updates come along etc.

I've upvoted and liked the first post.
I recommend you follow the XFtoWP addon in case you haven’t seen it, I am about to drop a beta version of the upcoming user sync feature you won’t want to miss:

This looks great. Such a shame our setup is the other way around using the XF user database. Would have jumped at this :(
This looks great. Such a shame our setup is the other way around using the XF user database. Would have jumped at this :(
What specifically are you trying to get out of an XF - WP integration? I am finding more use cases the plugin covers all of the time and would love to hear your feedback. :)
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