Shoutbox by Siropu

Shoutbox by Siropu [Paid] 2.0.0

No permission to buy (€14.99)
I actually just added that to the relevant PHP-file myself; works well. Of course, it lacks the backend-GUI-side of things and needs to be edited with every update, so your official inclusion of that option would be greatly appreciated.
Dunno if its ever been asked, but any way to include a scaled down reaction system for the shoutbox? Maybe just the ability to like a comment with a tiny thumbs up that displays?
Anyone here using this addon with these options both enabled?
  1. Enable "Real-Time" mode: Any page
  2. Usergroup > Use /ai command: Enabled
Does your AI response also appear in real time on shouts?
This shoutbox plugin is so lightweight :)
It handles this many users using the shoutbox in real-time without any problem.


I wanted to ask if the Shoutbox supports that users ignored by the user are not displayed in the Shoutbox?

Many thanks in advance!
im using 2.2 so i cannot use the 2.3 version but im stuck with this annoying update output waiting.

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