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Send email notifications on reported items


Well-known member
This add-on sends emails to administrators and applicable moderators when a new item is reported.
Staff members can set in their preferences whether they wish to receive such notifications or not.

1. Upload EmailOnReportedItems folder to your XenForo's library folder
2. Import XML file as an Add-On (Admin Control Panel -> Install Add-On)
3. Apply a template edit as described in the file named template_edit.txt

Change log:
v1.0.0 — 08 October 2010 — Initial release

This add-on is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.

Feel free to post here your questions and suggestions.


Not sure how this is the last post in the modification forum, should be on the first page somewhere at the very least. Is there any way to get a copy of the content that is reported in the notification email? It's useful to know if it's just a thread that needs to be moved and can wait a few or porn spam that needs to be immediately removed. This functionality should really be core... Thanks for coding this. :)
Not sure how this is the last post in the modification forum, should be on the first page somewhere at the very least. Is there any way to get a copy of the content that is reported in the notification email? It's useful to know if it's just a thread that needs to be moved and can wait a few or porn spam that needs to be immediately removed. This functionality should really be core... Thanks for coding this. :)
Thanks, I'll consider adding this functionality in future releases.
If you install this plugin and afterwards you change items in your profile (location, status etc) You get an error.

Please correct this.

Would love to see an update for this as well. May fix it ourselves, but I haven't had a time to look at the issue it's having.
I have coded this modification when XenForo was just released. Since that, my life has significantly changed and I didn't had enough time to support this add-on and I'm deeply sorry for it. Unfortunately, I don't think I will be able to provide support for this add-on in foreseeable future. Thus, I have decided to publish this add-on under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License, which means everyone has a right to distribute this add-on, modify it (including translations) and distribute modified copies until this is done in non-commercial purposes and with attribution (link to this thread would be fine). I would be very grateful if someone would repost it to the new XenForo Resource Manager and fix all the things needs to be fixed due to changes in XenForo. Thank you.
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