XF 1.5 Responsive admin control panel

Welcome to the first Have You Seen thread for XenForo 1.5. Over the next few weeks, we'll be posting more of these to show you how the new features in XenForo 1.5 are going to work. We expect to install XenForo 1.5 on XenForo.com for initial testing by early July, with a public beta process to follow.

Today, we're going to look at the responsive admin control panel. XenForo 1.2 made the public-facing components fully responsive, supporting screen sizes from desktops and tablets of varying sizes to phones. The admin control panel remained designed solely for full-size desktop screens. If you were in a pinch and needed to make a change in the control panel on your phone, you could, but it was far from efficient as you zoomed in and out and scrolled left to right to be able to read the page.

In XenForo 1.5, we've extended the responsive framework to the entire control panel. While it's unlikely that you'll want to edit a template on your phone, it should be much easier to take other actions in the control panel when you can't get to your laptop.

Here are a few assorted screenshots of how it will look.





We've also changed the tabs on more recent mobile devices to be somewhat more compact than just one per row, but to also use space efficiently:


For add-on developers, most pages based off of forms or "filter lists" will automatically work. However, if your page is based on a layout that requires more horizontal space, you may need to make changes. For pages using data tables, this may mean hiding data or allowing the table to be scrollable, which can be done easily with some new responsive helper classes.

Keep an eye out for the next XenForo 1.5 feature reveal soon!
We have been developing the core systems for XenForo 2.0 for some time now and they are coming along well. However, XenForo is a very large project and there are many areas that need to be updated and reimplemented. We want to do our best to be sure it's right and this takes a significant amount of time. Because a lot of this work represents "behind the scenes" changes, we're not at a point where we are ready to show off our work yet. As we get closer to the initial release of 2.0, we'll release additional information.

While the primary target has been 2.0, we decided that it would be best to do an interim release of XenForo 1.5, adding some more commonly requested features and improvements. We're starting the Have You Seen threads today, so head over there to check out the new things as we reveal them. XenForo 1.5 will likely be ready for first testing on XenForo.com by early July with the usual beta process to follow.
Nice work guys :)

Great to see this as I do a lot of support from my phone, and I do actually edit templates regularly on my phone and iPad. Maybe 2.0 can improve on the usability of the ACP editor on mobile. ;)
I too am glad you aren't rushing 2.0. 1.X is an amazing piece of software, some huge names are just now starting to come over. No rush! :P
Should there be icons in the admin panel on mobile?

Wouldn't it be better for them to hide on screens below certain dimensions and then for the text to increase in size?

Or if they can't be hidden, how about decreasing their size and putting them along side the text in a similar style to avatars and threads on mobile? Then have the entire row clickable thus making things more compact and easier to navigate.
I'm quite happy with rellect's responsive admincp. I'm glad this will now get support in the core though. One less addon to worry about.
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