Please tell me we're getting a fixed text editor soon!™

⭐ Alex ⭐

Well-known member
Because I use font sizes and headings when writing threads in my forum, the froala text editor makes me cry!

It keeps unpredictably moving around the BBCODE for the size and headings. I specifically added some text down south and flipped to bbcode mode and forcibly put the size closing tag AFTER that text. But no. The editor continues to decide it's going to make new text not have the size attribute even though I'm adding it in the middle of that size tag I explicitly placed :(

Please save me. It must think pushing enter gives it permission for undefined behaviour.
I rather like Froala but I don't use custom styling much. Also I doubt a new editor will just fix all issues at once. It will have issues of its own you can be sure of that. Not sure why the developers decided to replace it. Since Froala is a commercial solution it could be that they want to cut their costs. It could be they are frustrated with the quality or responsiveness of Froala development itself.

Here is a link to a related thread.
For me, Froala has a few minor gremlins that I can work around with BBC mode if I have to, but I've never seen it go uncorrectably haywire like you have. It's ripe for replacement though as for it to still have so many bugs after many years on the market makes it a poor product. It should be polished with hardly any issues by now.
I rather like Froala but I don't use custom styling much. Also I doubt a new editor will just fix all issues at once. It will have issues of its own you can be sure of that. Not sure why the developers decided to replace it. Since Froala is a commercial solution it could be that they want to cut their costs. It could be they are frustrated with the quality or responsiveness of Froala development itself.

Here is a link to a related thread.
I think the current editor is a bad one and would be better suited to vBulletin than here.
This is basic.
From a writing site I am on. Homebrew software. And Circle, used for the fan site of my favourite singer, is pretty barebones too. But I have warmed up to this approach. Froala is almost too much. There's a few more buttons I would like (spoiler block for one) but in general, something in between this minimalist approach and Froala's everything but the sink would be appealing.
Probably for much the same reasons it's being replaced here. It has multiple unresolved problems over a wide range of browsers and devices. Reported issues of which there are currently 137 take an age to fix and security issues are left active between versions.


View attachment 301041

I'd say that looks far from basic.
vBulletin's editor is tricky to manage because you have so much to do.
When i'm on there my members are telling me "the editor is better on xenforo, it should be here on vB. "

I wouldn't have a tricky, messy looking editor on here.
But i wouldn't have froala either.
I'd have Joomla's editor instead. Because it is adaptable on websites and forums alone.
This is basic.
View attachment 301042
From a writing site I am on. Homebrew software. And Circle, used for the fan site of my favourite singer, is pretty barebones too. But I have warmed up to this approach. Froala is almost too much. There's a few more buttons I would like (spoiler block for one) but in general, something in between this minimalist approach and Froala's everything but the sink would be appealing.
On vB you have a messy, tricky editor.
Yes you have a basic rich editor that has 6 buttons on it. That's all.
We have implemented what we feel have been far better editors than CKEditor in that time. It wasn't implemented because we deemed it wasn't suitable for our use case.

Froala was perfect. Seriously, it really was. It was very stable and it was very well supported. But unfortunately it changed ownership and everything went downhill from there. It has improved slightly maybe in the last year or so (debatable), but it isn't viable in the long term for us.

We have picked the next editor and it is in a very good state and will be shipped with XF 3.0. Still got a fair bit to do in terms of polishing the UI and wiring up things like custom BB code and toolbar management but we're feeling good and it's VERY promising.
And Circle, used for the fan site of my favourite singer, is pretty barebones too. But I have warmed up to this approach.
vBulletin's current editor provides an easy option to remove the two main button bars leaving the user with something very similar to your screenshot so you get the best of both worlds. It's one of the few things I really like about that particular product.
We have implemented what we feel have been far better editors than CKEditor in that time. It wasn't implemented because we deemed it wasn't suitable for our use case.

Froala was perfect. Seriously, it really was. It was very stable and it was very well supported. But unfortunately it changed ownership and everything went downhill from there. It has improved slightly maybe in the last year or so (debatable), but it isn't viable in the long term for us.

We have picked the next editor and it is in a very good state and will be shipped with XF 3.0. Still got a fair bit to do in terms of polishing the UI and wiring up things like custom BB code and toolbar management but we're feeling good and it's VERY promising.
I am looking forward to whichever editor you have chosen.
This has me guessing on what one it maybe. I'll keep discussing this on my own site.
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