Pay users when they post in the forum

You laugh and joke, but if you don't find a way to move users from social networks to forums (and by paying a little, it's the solution that everyone likes) it's practically impossible to open a new forum.

I have over 100,000 users in my Facebook groups (and pages) and a site that gets over 250,000 views a month on the topic you want to forum for.

No one will marry from facebook especially if the forum has no posts and registered users.
You laugh and joke, but if you don't find a way to move users from social networks to forums (and by paying a little, it's the solution that everyone likes) it's practically impossible to open a new forum.

I have over 100,000 users in my Facebook groups (and pages) and a site that gets over 250,000 views a month on the topic you want to forum for.

No one will marry from facebook especially if the forum has no posts and registered users.
You claiming on the ladder that brings you nowhere.

Forums are pretty dead, most people are on Facebook, younger generation they don't even know what's a forum or how it works, if they want to build something similar, there's other free platforms which it easier.

Unless you have a specific private forum where only small group can join, rather than that, people don't join them because it's complex, it's outdated, and no user engagements functionalities.

I have tried to move people from FB to my forums, and that's pointless, waste of money, time and resources.

I'm sure at that point XF developers will decide to move on for a reason or another (1 Developer already left).
Forums are pretty dead,
They're certainly not in the prime but they're not dead. They do need a purpose to thrive. It's definitely not a "if you build it they will come".

You need a niche (preferably a new one) or it needs to be supporting a product you sell or a proprietary something. You need SOMETHING UNIQUE to make it useful for people to sign up.
The forums that work a little are those that have active users for many years.
Or that the topic isn't on facebook (like porn).
Open a forum today if there are many groups on the same agamento on facebook does not make members.
We need to find a way to get users to write at least the first year.
Paying them is a very good reason.
You need a niche (preferably a new one) or it needs to be supporting a product you sell or a proprietary something. You need SOMETHING UNIQUE to make it useful for people to sign up.
Yeah...for some reason certain folks get fixated on posts.... there can be WELL more to a site than a "simple forum".
Google search for the very generic phrase install eaf apertura 72mm which would be (and has been according to my stats) a fairly regular search term from a computer that had a newly installed OS on it and Chrome was in an incognito state gives this return to an AMS article on my site. Installed Firefox and got the same result. Ironically... my "small 22 user site" came in ahead of the "big gun" in the field. Thing is, I don't require users to sign up to access that data... I'm more about pushing stuff out to others than chasing users and posts.

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I could more see paying users for authoritative articles than posts. Some folks concentrate on simple posts.. many of which bring NO benefit to the site for other users.
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Everyone complains about Facebook, but the real competitor to the forums is becoming Discord, which is developing more and more social features and, unlike fb, allows you to set your own rules on the server.
@Tracy Perry
as usual, always write the opposite of what others are saying...
If google has indexed a page of your forum well it remains a page and an exception so go back and brag about it with your 22 users who maybe believe it.
Everyone complains about Facebook, but the real competitor to the forums is becoming Discord, which is developing more and more social features and, unlike fb, allows you to set your own rules on the server.
I can't figure out how discord works
@Tracy Perry
as usual, always write the opposite of what others are saying...
If google has indexed a page of your forum well it remains a page and an exception so go back and brag about it with your 22 users who maybe believe it.
No, the simple fact is... if a page ranks high... doesn't really matter HOW many users you have now does it. The simple fact of the matter is that content ranks above other sites and it draws more traffic because it ranks higher in a search of comparable niches... some of which have WAY more members. It's the CONTENT that is important... not the number of users. Seems that some folks incorrectly correlate a set number of users to being an "active" site... meanwhile the remainder of us realize that CONTENT is king... and THAT is what drives traffic to the site... not that I "have 60K users, 50K of which haven't visited in over a decade so I have to be a great site". Not all of us are actually needing to brag about number of users... we are MORE concerned with visits to the site.
TRAFFIC is what is the ultimate goal. Whether you are getting that with visitors hitting your site for articles that guests can access without signing up as a member or such does not matter. When ones sits at a 50% bounce rate compared to an 90% bounce rate... that should be enough to tell any knowledgeable admin more than enough. That 90% bounce rate means your "visitors" are hauling ass elsewhere after they hit your site.
Of course, I don't expect some to understand that, as it's above their ability.

And no, we aren't comparing a FaceBook group to a forum....
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@Tracy Perry I don't even want to read what you wrote... Ok you're good 😅
Show me one of your FB groups that goes into this detail. That is one of the MAJOR weakness of FB (or most social media) on actually developing content to actually relay information.

I'm a member in about 32 FB groups.. but only about 2 am I active in. The remainder I simply go there if I need to make a post specific to that topic. I don't regularly read there as most of the content there tends to be "fluff".

We pretty much ALL know that FB is generally used by those that have very little to say (and rarely the intelligence to carry on a cognizant conversation). And why is it not that surprising that is what you "brag" about.
The simple fact remains... my site that has "only" 22 users (actually think it's up to 26 now) and ranks higher on that search term (WORLD wide) than the major site that has over 50K users does specific to the niche. The simple point being... quality content IS king. Doesn't matter how many users the site has. If it's interesting (and somewhat specific) content, it can rank higher than a site with more users. But honestly.. it's not really surprising to me that you are not aware of that.

I could easily "paywall" users off from that (and any of my other articles - which this topic is somewhat about) and FORCE them to sign in to see it and thereby gain more users... but I have a slightly different philosophy. I believe information is to be shared freely. The number of users are not important to me... it's the overall repeat traffic to the site (and a bounce rate of 35.8% is fairly decent compared to the 80+% a particular person was bragging about their site of) IS more important to me.

And not to mention that over 50% of those users visiting come from organic searches. And ironically the LARGE majority of those organic searches are related to actual ARTICLES on my site... not simple forum posts. So I guess the addition of @Bob's AMS has so far benefitted my site (as has some of his other add-ons, but not to the extent of AMS). Of course, my site is WELL more than a "simple" forum.
Meanwhile... ignore the elephant in the room that says you can extend the forum to a LOT more than simple forum posts if you are willing to expend some actual money (and time creating valid content) and get a return on it.

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Yet one more actual article (over a forum post) that returns in the first position for a web page for the search term provided (which once more is a typical one in the field). And honestly.. if I had done a video, it would probably have ranked up there also. I simply did not take the time to set up my Nikon D7200 and video the process.

The simple fact remains... fire-walling off posts (which are generally of LOW content) aren't going to gain you that much when compared to items like authoritative articles or extensions (link directories, classified ads and such).
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When ones sits at a 50% bounce rate compared to an 90% bounce rate... that should be enough to tell any knowledgeable admin more than enough.
Haven't checked my bounce rate in a while... It's around ~35%. Not bad.

The simple fact remains... fire-walling off posts (which are generally of LOW content) aren't going to gain you that much when compared to items like authoritative articles or extensions (link directories, classified ads and such).
Isn't this thread not about paywalling but paying users to post on your site?

On my site I have stuff paywalled like proprietary data and bonus extended interviews (first part is free) but most content is free. There are no ads on my site.
Isn't this thread not about paywalling but paying users to post on your site?

On my site I have stuff paywalled like proprietary data and bonus extended interviews (first part is free) but most content is free. There are no ads on my site.
Ayep... and one will do MUCH better by paying a member for an good article than posts. For whatever reason, posts on search engines do not do well, whereas articles do MUCH better. But we see many sites that will only allow "paid members" or even registered members only see those posts.
I have yet to see (other than gaming or general chatter areas) that paying people for posting generates much authoritative content, and that's the content you want... not just posts to increase ones post count.
Generally to get that authoritative type content, you will be paying MUCH more than what those simple "post exchanges" involve.

Haven't checked my bounce rate in a while... It's around ~35%. Not bad.
Sitting at 35.8% last time I checked for my site.
Forgot to mention.. think DragonByte (not a developer I would use personally) has some add-ons that will allow credits to be accumulated, and the end users can use those credits to buy stuff like banners and promotions and such. I have seen that used and used somewhat successfully on other sites.
If I'm going to cut loose with actual coin, I want content that will bring others to my site that involves the niche I am in. General discussions of "which should I" or "how do I" rarely get much traction if you don't have authoritative answers, and generally the admin themselves can do that with "ghost" accounts.
Yeah ironically a huge chunk of the money from the paywall goes to hiring writers so they're the only people who've made money from my site so far. 🤣🤣

Although my site did just purchase me a new MacBook Air (my first new computer in over 10 years) as a business expense so that's nice.
We already did this some time ago:

85 pages talking about the feature and a really active forum.

We pay them with cryptocurrencies so they avoid taxes, and they can buy balance for their account with very low fees too.
I had seen that plugin.
Can you tell me that it works well?
How do you pay the users? Do they have their own area where they can be paid automatically?
Have you been using it for a long time? Does this system work?
Thank you
I had seen that plugin.
Can you tell me that it works well?
How do you pay the users? Do they have their own area where they can be paid automatically?
Have you been using it for a long time? Does this system work?
Thank you
Yeah, it works very well, i also use this plugin:

I need to pay manually, so i set a minimun (10 usd). So the users see this more like an incentive for be part of my forum, not like a winning system.

And yes, the system works, its just a little reward:

0.03 for new threads with a established minimum of text
0.01 for new posts with a minimum of text
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