Implemented Online status icon in postbit

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I've been playing with the online/offline thing again so it got a like from me.

The add-on recommended above btw is very good and your able (pending your comfortable with css and photoshop) can craft out many new forms of online status. Point being it's good as a temp solution until this is/may be accommodated.


Oh I like! Are you going to release that off/on using your rank ribbon?
Yeah sure, I don't see why not. I've deleted the css since then because I'm tinkering with a few designs atm but I'll replicate it all again and post it when I'm done on a final design for my own site.
I like this


The only issue I am having with that (still trying to find a fix) is that the avatar becomes unclickable. It's no real biggie for me because there's 3-4 other llinks (username, posted by username) in the vicinity that opens the membercard but I'm still trying to find a fix regardless.
The only issue I am having with that (still trying to find a fix) is that the avatar becomes unclickable. It's no real biggie for me because there's 3-4 other llinks (username, posted by username) in the vicinity that opens the membercard but I'm still trying to find a fix regardless.

Are you creating it and using it as like, an overlay? Or is it set behind the avatar?
Are you creating it and using it as like, an overlay? Or is it set behind the avatar?

The add-on places it infront of the avatar so it's technically stopping that area becoming clickable. Setting it behind the avatar is what I am wanting to do without template editing but it looks likely a template edit may be needed or a request to the add-on author to have an option placed behind avatar for this specific design.
I would also like to see this feature (well, my members would at least!), along with usergroup control (i.e. don't bother showing the status to guests). I've tried a couple of mods, but they both add a proportionally large loading time to the page, whereas there could be more optimal ways of doing this if it was part of the core.
It seems that the addon you link to uses the same approach as this addon.

I asked @xfrocks to create a new addon for me and this was his reply:

Actually it's pretty simple to do that without any add-on and good performance. Of course the online status is not exactly correct but it will be good enough in most case.

What you want to do is you check for {$post.last_activity} to make sure user is active within 15 minutes then show the icon as needed. A template modification is enough.
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