Fixed  Moderated forums (no title) still showing after forum deletion (after import)

I did a fresh installation of RC1 and then imported everything from a VB 3.8.2 database without any errors. After this, I went to the Nods tree and deleted a number of Categories (and their forum children).

When I went to the Moderators list, the list of moderators was still there with a number of blank entries (no title, but with delete button to the right as in the case of existing forums that also showed up with their title) under each moderator, which I assume stood for the forums that were deleted. I could delete these blank entries without any problem.

As a side note, the forum has some 80,000 posts (those not deleted), when when the search cache was rebuilt for the first time, it showed over 200,000 posts in total, which may mean that the old posts are still in the database? Not sure about this though...
after you've imported the vb board, did you manually rebuild all the caches, and once again after you deleted the board?

go to tools > rebuild > rebuild forum cache.

And then go to the crontab thingy and run all crontabs once.

And check your forum out. The data still there?
After the import I manually rebuilt all caches but did not do so after deleting some of the forums. That might explain why the moderators empty entries were still there. As far as the data is concerned, I do not see it there so its not creating a concern. Thanks for the feedback,
Fixed now - removing a node with moderators will remove the moderator records for that node properly.
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