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Mobile Browser Style Switch

I seriously hope to see this as part of XF in 1.1 to be perfectly honest... this is one really lacking area of XF at present... if not the only one of significance.

Nice work Cezz....

Thanks, I agree though... I hope that this mod will become obsolete with XF 1.1 or at least an official mobile style... If in fact an official mobile style is released but nothing like this is built in by default I would be both shocked and disappointed at the team (though mostly shocked)...
Excellent work.

Anyone know what to put in for blackberry? The other mobile users are having no issue but can't get the right agent for blackberry.

There should be a default list that would cover blackberry by default... I will check the addon xml file incase it didn't save as default but this is it... covers most smart phones, most older phones, also covers a lot of after market mobile browsers like firefox mobile... and even covers windows embeded devices and kindles... Though if you do find the need to expand it any further feel free... for testing I was adding chrome, in the list..

android,avantgo,blackberry,blazer,compal,elaine,fennec,hiptop,iemobile,iris,kindle,maemo,midp,phone,plucker,pocket,psp,symbian,treo,vodafone,iphone,windows ce,windows phone
Very weird, it was working great at first then all the sudden it stopped. I'm going to look through stuff to see if I can find a reason for this.
I have just installed it and it works great. I was just about to ask for a complete list of browsers that you put in the options but I'm guessing that is it two posts up? It would be great to have them all listed below the text box for novices to pick through and add, I think I will be adding pretty much all of them.

Tested when I browsed to the forums on my iPhone and it works sweet... much appreciated!
Very weird, it was working great at first then all the sudden it stopped. I'm going to look through stuff to see if I can find a reason for this.

Make sure you don't have a trailing comma

iphone,android,blackberry = good

iphone,android,blackberry, = bad
Great mod :)

Some of my users liked the switch to mobile, some then complained that they wanted to view the whole site but couldn't switch back on their mobile. Would a checkbox in user preferences be possible to deactivate the switch?
Make sure you don't have a trailing comma

iphone,android,blackberry = good

iphone,android,blackberry, = bad

I will be adding a sanity check to the next version that will check if string is empty and if is wont add it to the array... this will also stop issues if there is ,, in the middle of a list EG iphone,,android,blackberry
It has also now stopped working on my board and I have checked all of the above things and everything looks fine! Seems strange that it worked and then suddenly it didn't!! If anyone finds a fix for this it would be great to get it back working again!
It has also now stopped working on my board and I have checked all of the above things and everything looks fine! Seems strange that it worked and then suddenly it didn't!! If anyone finds a fix for this it would be great to get it back working again!

This seems strange as it works 100% of the time with me :S

if you add chrome to the user agent list, and then view the site in both firefox & chrome does the chrome one work? if so I would just guess that whatever mobile device you are using that useragent's ident is missing... maybe visit a site like http://whatsmyuseragent.com/ to find out what the phone is giving as an agent and pull an ident out of it.
This seems strange as it works 100% of the time with me :S

if you add chrome to the user agent list, and then view the site in both firefox & chrome does the chrome one work? if so I would just guess that whatever mobile device you are using that useragent's ident is missing... maybe visit a site like http://whatsmyuseragent.com/ to find out what the phone is giving as an agent and pull an ident out of it.
I managed to look at it properly just now and I had a trailing comma, so that was messing it up!! Great work Cezz!!
I managed to look at it properly just now and I had a trailing comma, so that was messing it up!! Great work Cezz!!

Yup this thing works great.

Now to try and build a mobile style for myself since I feel useless atm. Time to go break stuff :-)
Don't forget to keep us all updated on this dude, be good to get it on my site. XFstop os okay, but it's limited I feel.

I will keep you updated but...there is a semi-to-strong possibility that I may failboat my way completely across the ocean allowing you to clown me in person on my small path to an even smaller chance of success.

I'll shoot you some credentials so you can login to see the style come along (or not lol) as I build it once I start as I will be doing on a live server. I am not a pro and there are people here who are and do it for a living (styles & art) and I am not trying to stand on anyone's lunch table and take the GoGurt out of their mouths. I am literally testing myself to see if I can do it.

I am sure someone is making a style atm and is thinking mobile while doing so and unless some miracle happens on my end you would be best to implement one of the pros' styles when they become available. That said...I can send you those login creds so you can see it as it happens or fails to happen if you still want to.
I will keep you updated but...there is a semi-to-strong possibility that I may failboat my way completely across the ocean allowing you to clown me in person on my small path to an even smaller chance of success.

I'll shoot you some credentials so you can login to see the style come along (or not lol) as I build it once I start as I will be doing on a live server. I am not a pro and there are people here who are and do it for a living (styles & art) and I am not trying to stand on anyone's lunch table and take the GoGurt out of their mouths. I am literally testing myself to see if I can do it.

I am sure someone is making a style atm and is thinking mobile while doing so and unless some miracle happens on my end you would be best to implement one of the pros' styles when they become available. That said...I can send you those login creds so you can see it as it happens or fails to happen if you still want to.
Sounds to me like it would be good to see it in progress. If you want a hand with it then I'd more than happily do my best to help out/test it/implement it on my site to see what it runs like. It's good just to pi$$ around with the code and see what happens I think though, and XenForo have made it easier than any other forum platform to do it with ease and also revert back too.
This works great. Home page looks meh though, can't wait for future version so I can exclude it. Great work :)
This works great. Home page looks meh though, can't wait for future version so I can exclude it. Great work :)

I think I have the logic of excluding certain controllers done it is just a case of implementing it and adding an option that people can understand!
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