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Message Auto Save / Drafts - Prevent Members from Losing Content

It looks like a css tag that should normally be there isn't. I don't see why my script would cause this (it simply registers a callback via the tinymce framework, no hacks or anything), though there so much code firing left and right that you really can't be sure.

Is your HTML valid?
And you tried this with an editor in account settings? E.g. about me or signature? :confused:

Ok, you're correct. At least, it does remove the background color and font settings while editing your signature. However my smilies were working ok.

I verified by removing the template edit for this mod, then it worked as normal/expected. Added it back in. Same issue. So yes, there is some sort of conflict happening somewhere with this mod.
So, it looks like we need to disable the mod unless we are on the conversations page, making a new thread/reply or viewing a thread. Wrapping the template edit in a conditional should suffice.

As I'm not too versed with the xF framework quite yet, could anything give me some pointers on what the conditional needs to contain in order to accomplish this?
I've updated the ZIP with the conditional needed for the script not to be included on the signature edit page. Enjoy!
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