XF 2.2 Invision Database Pages


Active member
Bit of a strange question here-

I'm currently in the progress of migrating my community from Invision Community to XenForo. This is a community that surrounds a Minecraft Roleplay server, so one of the requirements we have is a place to hold our lore.

Invision has a Database system, which allows you to create something akin to forum nodes which are not displayed in the main board. A database can be represented in XenForo in one of two ways, depending on the setup you're intending to replicate. You can choose to not have forum categories, in which case it emulates a Forum type, or you can choose to have categories in which it emulates a Category type with Forum nodes as each of your categories.

Replicating this setup works pretty well, but there are two limitations here.

First is the url for this. In invision, if a database is named Lore, then its url slug is likely something like lore. You would then access this page via www.example.com/lore. In XenForo, the equivalent address would be www.example.com/categories/lore, which is not as clean.

Likewise a particular article may be found under www.example.com/lore/flora/sundew whereas the corresponding article in XenForo would be something like www.example.com/threads/sundew.57

I'm trying to replicate this setup as closely as possible, but I don't believe this sort of url rewriting is possible with built-in route filters. I have tried a wiki plugin but even if I can use a route filter to change the wiki application url to /lore, it doesn't support creating pages with any sort of heirarchy (mostly due to wikis not having any sort of heirarchy built in).

I have read that the XenForo Resources addon does handle article-like content, but it seems to be more oriented towards downloads. You do seem to be able to create categories for a sort of hierarchical structure, but this creates urls like /resources/categories/category.1/ and like the forum system, resources themselves are hosted in a different path entirely.

Is there anything that will replicate the Invision url pathing built into XenForo, or any plugins to this effect, or am I going to need to commission something?
Have you considered using page nodes?

Have you considered using page nodes?

Have you considered using page nodes?

I have, though providing content on page nodes is something which requires ACP access and working knowledge of HTML. There are plugins out there to allow bbcode pages, but ideally I'd like to have my lore team be able to make lore articles via the front end, and have them display like articles.

Also I haven't been able to figure out how to remove the /pages/ part of the path. Route filters don't seem to like deleting path parts, but they're fine renaming them.
Also I haven't been able to figure out how to remove the /pages/ part of the path. Route filters don't seem to like deleting path parts, but they're fine renaming them.
You could change the route to lore ...

working knowledge of HTML.
You can actually write the content in a post, then view the page source, then copy and past the HTML to the page node template.

But yes, ACP access is required.

Another alternative would be the Resource Manager which can be used for articles.
have you looked at xenaddons article management system.
it seems to be a very good article program for xenforo.
I saw it in passing but there doesn't seem to be a page for it here on this site and the XenAddons website just says it exists and supports XF 2.2.

There isn't really any additional information on this site about what it does or how it works, and I don't really want to drop $45 on a product that I have no information on.

Edit: I found a front-end demo on their site. It looks like it's pretty much the same as the XF resource manager.
I'm pretty happy with what I have using route filters, even though it is manual.
The only thing that would make my solution better is a nested category system that recreates my setup from the route filters, but I have yet to find anything.
Edit: I found a front-end demo on their site. It looks like it's pretty much the same as the XF resource manager.
I'm pretty happy with what I have using route filters, even though it is manual.
The only thing that would make my solution better is a nested category system that recreates my setup from the route filters, but I have yet to find anything.
it can do a lot more than the resource manager.
the site i am staff on uses it.
i hope to get it one day to use on my site.
i am sure it can with some work.
probably in templates?
i personally hate having stuff in two columns because then you have to scroll back to the top to continue reading.
since i do not control that site i leave it to him to display like he wants.
i know it does have the ability to add more customizing to it that he has not looked at doing yet from what i got to look at.
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