XF 2.2 Imagick still not installable on PHP 8.3, does XenForo recommend a fully compatible alternative(s)?


Well-known member
Imagick has seen little to no development over the last few years and a current known bug makes it so the PECL extension will not install on PHP 8.3. This bug has been unaddressed since it was found over 6 months ago on PHP 8.3 release candidates.

Does XenForo recommend an alternative to Imagick that is compatible? Preferably an alternative that is seeing ongoing development.

Also, out of curiosity, what exactly does XenForo rely on Imagick for?
We don’t rely on it but arguably it is a better library for manipulating images and I believe with a lower memory footprint. For now simply enable GD which is built in.

In real terms the only benefit to Imagick is it can resize a gif and keep its animation.
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