XF 2.2 How do I change the Site Name? my url is being shown instead of site name at top of search


New member

How do I change the Site Name? my url is being shown instead of site name at top of search

thanks a lot
Simple answer is that Google algorithms decide the name. You can check your site code if they have the correct meta data.

I do believe, XenForo has the up to date metatags for this in recent builds. It does show correctly for my site on default theme.
Simple answer is that Google algorithms decide the name. You can check your site code if they have the correct meta data.

I do believe, XenForo has the up to date metatags for this in recent builds. It does show correctly for my site on default theme.
Thanks. I am using the UI Classic theme from Themehouse.
So, I looked into code and it does not look like XenForo has the name markup value.

<script type="application/ld+json">
      "@context" : "https://schema.org",
      "@type" : "WebSite",
      "name" : "Example Company",
      "alternateName" : "EC",
      "url" : "https://example.com/",
      "potentialAction": {
        "@type": "SearchAction",
        "target": {
          "@type": "EntryPoint",
          "urlTemplate": "https://query.example.com/search?q={search_term_string}"
        "query-input": "required name=search_term_string"

Maybe file a bug report!
Internal pages like this thread does have it.

"publisher": {
        "@type": "Organization",
        "name": "XenForo community",
        "alternateName": "XF community",
        "description": "Forum software by XenForo",
        "url": "https://xenforo.com/community",
        "logo": "https://xenforo.com/community/styles/default/xenforo/xenforo-logo-og.png"

Google does seem to recommend to have it on the homepage of the site...
Internal pages like this thread does have it.

"publisher": {
        "@type": "Organization",
        "name": "XenForo community",
        "alternateName": "XF community",
        "description": "Forum software by XenForo",
        "url": "https://xenforo.com/community",
        "logo": "https://xenforo.com/community/styles/default/xenforo/xenforo-logo-og.png"

Google does seem to recommend to have it on the homepage of the site...
However,the site name at the top of search is Xenforo instead of XenForo community.
My site name is still domain name😂
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