Holy Spammer attack Batman!

I don't know. SFS is working very well on my vB forums.

Same here. About 99% of them get stopped at the front door.

Sorry, but that's not a solution.

No it's not. SpamBots don't get bored. That's evident in the registration logs. They just keep trying and trying over and over and over. It doesn't make sense to inconvenience potential new members and create more work for the admin to solve the problem.

If only there was a way to force spammers to use the same username, email and IP address... then SFS would be really useful. :)

Aren't these databases at SFS and the other spam repositories dynamically updated?
It's an impossible task to have all those in SFS' database.

Of course that's true. But these bots are hitting thousands of forums at the same time. One forum reports it, all the rest (using SFS list) now have it. Sure, that first one got hit, but that's where it stops (if everyone used them).

At some point, the tools will get as good (or better) than the bots and the spammers will move on to other tactics to get backlinks, because it just wont be effective.
Occasionally SFS stops a legit registration and I manually register that person.

Most commonly, for me anyway, they are dinged by IP address. It's usually from ISPs who rotate their addresses among customers and someone picks up an IP address that got caught up in SFS previously. Those people usually use the contact form and we get things settled. Percentage wise, maybe 1% of registrations are affected.
I don't think I've seen that yet. How do you know?
Most commonly, for me anyway, they are dinged by IP address. It's usually from ISPs who rotate their addresses among customers and someone picks up an IP address that got caught up in SFS previously. Those people usually use the contact form and we get things settled. Percentage wise, maybe 1% of registrations are affected.
Very few are offended by being flagged.
Customisation for each board is the best way forward against bots (you don't need to be a developer to customise your own registration page, you don't even need to use a plug-in if you don't want to)

I haven't had one bot get though FoolBotHoneyPot (on it's own) and have had people test it and say the same .. this customises the registration page with a unique name for every field and this is uniquely done for each forum (there are also many hidden traps, since by default Xrummer will try to fill out every field, including hidden ones)

But if you add to that your own custom CAPTCHA (which I have seen some do, which it's self is very effective)
+ other customisations, and you're laughing for quite some time

Use key capatcha. I've used that, and have not had a single spam bot sign up.
KeyCAPATHCA will hold ground for a while, but it is not bot proof, once it is very common place, it will become a target and become insignificant.

If you use a common CATPCHA (or even common QAs), you don't stand a chance, it wont be long until you have a board full of bots

Looking up IP addresses / usernames / email address of previously registered bots wont hold for very long (but it will at least reduce a significant portion of the current bots)

the big time spammers aren't using the same IPs, usernames or emails... so for those, it's rather pointless unfortunately.

<< I strongly agree
XenForo really does need to take v6 IP addresses seriously. .... As in now (if not yesterday).

The spam bots are NOT using v4 IP as much as they've begun to pick up on v6


ALL of them seem to be v6 IP Addresses
I have moved to a custom question and answer captcha on my site and it seems to work well. I have tested to make sure it works but has stopped the bots in their tracks.
About every hour when I am near a computer, I have been checking for reported posts. From what I can tell the other moderators are doing the same.

An open thank you to all who have been reporting the spam. (y)

(I fully realize there are other ways to handle spam, but at the moment things are, the way they are).
I've tried reporting multiple posts but it tells me I have to wait in between reports.

An open thank you to all who have been reporting the spam. (y)
How many false SPAM reports ?
None ?

Regardless of how the SPAM gets posted on Xenforo.com, appointing 10 "spam moderators" would almost eliminate the spam at Xenforo.com. The spam moderators would have only one link and one ability. A spam link that hides a thread (or post) and puts the thread into moderation.

Community-based SPAM moderation.

Xenforo.com can't afford the moderators doing all the hard work. They are busy enough.
SFS will chop out a good proportion of them, but you do need customisation. I like your idea DD, but there are only none/very few false spam reports right now as people don't have any power to abuse it... as soon as it can become abused, it will
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