[HA] Featured Members (+ Verified Badge)

[HA] Featured Members (+ Verified Badge) 1.5.0

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I can just throw a bulk group of users into the usergroup, and they get the badge I want them to have without me going 1 by 1 adding the badge. :)
Not sure about what to add for the next update (as I'm working on some other works these days) but I may add 4 checkboxes to let search users based on being or not being featured and/or verified and be able to batch update them for these 2.
all phrases are started with: dad_fm_

So, here is those 2:
  • Member is Verified: dad_fm_miv
  • Member is Featured: dad_fm_mif

Can you double check this, please?
I edited these phrases but it's not working. It's still showing the old phrase when I hover the mouse onto the badge.

My guess is that actual phrase is somewhere else because on the phrase it's written "Member is Featured" and when you hover the mouse on the badge it's written "[username] is a Featured Member". There's a slight difference, so I think the actual phrase is somewhere else. I searched for "is a Featured Member" phrase but no results. Same is the issue with Verified.
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You asked for this:
How to change the text 'Member is Verified' and 'Member is Featured'?
So: i gave you this:
all phrases are started with: dad_fm_

So, here is those 2:
  • Member is Verified: dad_fm_miv
  • Member is Featured: dad_fm_mif

Exactly what you asked.

But if you want the phrases that are with username, then they are as below:

Any way that wol take less than 10 seconds to search phrases with dad_fm_
You could save a lot of time of yourself :)
Thank you! This worked. I tried searching phrases but couldn't find it there.

BTW, if "Show featured badge in thread list" and "Show verified badge in thread list" is unchecked, the badges are still displayed in thread list but if they are checked each badge is displayed twice.

I want the badges displayed there so this bug isn't affecting me but just letting you know.
BTW, if "Show featured badge in thread list" and "Show verified badge in thread list" is unchecked, the badges are still displayed in thread list but if they are checked each badge is displayed twice.
I think you are using the old version.

I just checked it right now and things are ok in my sites and localhost as well:

Yes, I guess I don't have the latest version because the 'opposite side' option is not available in mine.
How about changing names, adding more icons, more than two? Using ready icon sets such as Font Awesome, colouring them?
more than 2 icons around the username? I don't think I go for it. 1 was enough for this add-on which its goal is to be something like verify badge in famous sites. and I just added second badge to let people use featured for some members and verified for some others. no both for 1 single account. (and now you need to add more than 2 for an account.)

at the beginning it was font awesome icon. but as users requested I changed it to images and added fields to let you replace it with whatever you want (like 2 icons of facebook and twitter). This add-on is just a featured and/or verified account functionality.

Not sure, but I think there was a paid add-on that was letting members pick whatever icon they want to be displayed next to their name. (and not sure if it was letting multiple icons in same time or not) you may search for it and check it.

Of course about changing names it is possible. all words you see in add-on is phrase, and so, you can translate and change them to what ever you want.
more than 2 icons around the username? I don't think I go for it. 1 was enough for this add-on which its goal is to be something like verify badge in famous sites. and I just added second badge to let people use featured for some members and verified for some others. no both for 1 single account. (and now you need to add more than 2 for an account.)

at the beginning it was font awesome icon. but as users requested I changed it to images and added fields to let you replace it with whatever you want (like 2 icons of facebook and twitter). This add-on is just a featured and/or verified account functionality.

Not sure, but I think there was a paid add-on that was letting members pick whatever icon they want to be displayed next to their name. (and not sure if it was letting multiple icons in same time or not) you may search for it and check it.

Of course about changing names it is possible. all words you see in add-on is phrase, and so, you can translate and change them to what ever you want.
I didn't actually planned displaying many icons for one user, but i got idea that it would be also mean VIP's, Donators, etc. user groups (of course it can be made with username css, i think, but that's too complicated for many users)

How about selecting what you want to use, give options to select between Font Awesome and image?
yeah image would do, but font-awesome is better when we use it everywhere, and want to use less images, check this link as well http://jsfiddle.net/cb0s4wjb/8/
as said above to korhox, I MAY add font awesome fields for next update, but just a simple font awesome. I mean, you be able to set icon for badges. (and everyone will be warmly welcome for further customization around it ;) )
as said above to korhox, I MAY add font awesome fields for next update, but just a simple font awesome. I mean, you be able to set icon for badges. (and everyone will be warmly welcome for further customization around it ;) )
Yep. I really like this add-on, but not using it yet. Just wanted to give ideas for betterment :)
1). Is there a way to remove the verified badge from the thread view but not forum view?

2). Is there a way to change the popup text XXX is a verified member? Was unable to locate it in phrases.
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