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Global RSS/XML Feed

  • Thread starter Thread starter ragtek
  • Start date Start date
Because of some permissionproblems PLS upgrade to the nevest version! (1114)
Great update Raktek. Now we've the entire description. Too much description! :D

Seriuosly: For the next versions two request by me:

1. Limit the descriptions at 150 chars
2. Cut the bbcode from descriptions

You're my hero! :)

Added Options to strip the bbcode and to limit the description


  • feedoptions.webp
    7.8 KB · Views: 20
Thank you Ragtek :)
The problem is... that the footer position erase the "term and condition" link :)

Why nobody reported this?:D THat's a minimal bug:D


search for
$contents = '<li><a href="ragtekfeed" class="tinyIcon feedIcon" title="RSS"><img src="styles/default/xenforo/widgets/feed-14.png" />Global RSS Feed</a></li>';
replace with
$contents .= '<li><a href="ragtekfeed" class="tinyIcon feedIcon" title="RSS"><img src="styles/default/xenforo/widgets/feed-14.png" />Global RSS Feed</a></li>';
Thank you Ragtek :)
The problem is... that the footer position erase the "term and condition" link :)
Confirmed, mine's gone as well. The icon and text isn't something i want, i've set $content to '' to not make it show. I just want the [rss] in the browser location bar to how and the ability for people to go to /feeds/ or something.

great addon!
Installed this on http://xenfans.com :)

Can't I rename ragtecfeed to just /feeds/ or something? ragtek doesn't make much sense to the visitors or google.
I wanted to make it unique to not have some problems, if kier includes something similar (but not exactly the same, hope you know what i mean^^)

I'll change it in the next release (because of the "backlinks" i will need to let ragtekfeed to, but the new route will be globalfeed) as soon as i'm in my office^^ (including the bugfix too)
No rush :)

Great add-on, I read through the source code and I think the // TODO items are great suggestions and I am looking forward to future releases.

The bug-fix is easy to do manually, and works.

Maybe /feeds/ is already in use by xenforo, but perhaps it can get a route extented via /feeds/global/ ?
if Kier makes a site-wide feeds feature, then this mod will get uninstalled anyway, default core features ftw
Suggestion, include the parent forum the thread is in?
I would like to know in which forum that discussion was made (in this case, 'offtopic')

<title>Whoo; my fourth license!</title>
<pubDate>Mon, 07 Feb 2011 07:55:32 +0000</pubDate>
<content:encoded><![CDATA[I've done it. And purchased the first secondhand license for $80 via the marketplace here and on xenforo.com. The transaction went smooth, the...]]></content:encoded>



Why nobody reported this?:D THat's a minimal bug:D


search for
$contents = '<li><a href="ragtekfeed" class="tinyIcon feedIcon" title="RSS"><img src="styles/default/xenforo/widgets/feed-14.png" />Global RSS Feed</a></li>';
replace with
$contents .= '<li><a href="ragtekfeed" class="tinyIcon feedIcon" title="RSS"><img src="styles/default/xenforo/widgets/feed-14.png" />Global RSS Feed</a></li>';

This is my version:
 $contents .= '<li><a href="ragtekfeed" class="tinyIcon feedIcon" title="RSS">Feed RSS Globali</a></li>';

Without icon (bad alignment) and the phrase translated in our language (suggestion for the future release :) )

Thanks Ragtek!
Changed the router.
The url to the feed is now /feeds/ (ragtekfeed is also available to not lose the visitors which are still using the old route;) )
New Option: Thread Limit (You can set up, how many threads should be shown in the feed)
Upgrade went smooth. I was able to list addons > upgrade > import .xml 1.6
Changed the router.
The url to the feed is now /feeds/ (ragtekfeed is also available to not lose the visitors which are still using the old route;) )
New Option: Thread Limit (You can set up, how many threads should be shown in the feed)

No stripped BBcode

Schermata 2011-02-07 a 15.46.28.webp
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