Event data received from Stripe does not contain the expected values


Well-known member
Affected version
2.2.8 Patch 1
Payment provider log:


Action: Error: Event data received from Stripe does not contain the expected values.

User: Unknown user

Date: Today at 6:44 AM

Purchase request key: N/A

Transaction ID: evt_1KZljxBkGIL8oaER13xDnuWr

Subscriber ID: sub_1KZljrBkGIL8oaERqhWhuVRC

Payment profile: Unknown profile

Log details

array(69) {
  ["id"] => string(27) "in_1KZljrBkGIL8oaERZhsKxhT1"
  ["object"] => string(7) "invoice"
  ["account_country"] => string(2) "IT"
  ["account_name"] => string(21) "Nirjonmela Desi Forum"
  ["account_tax_ids"] => NULL
  ["amount_due"] => int(1599)
  ["amount_paid"] => int(1599)
  ["amount_remaining"] => int(0)
  ["application_fee_amount"] => NULL
  ["attempt_count"] => int(1)
  ["attempted"] => bool(true)
  ["auto_advance"] => bool(false)
  ["automatic_tax"] => array(2) {
    ["enabled"] => bool(false)
    ["status"] => NULL
  ["billing_reason"] => string(19) "subscription_create"
  ["charge"] => string(27) "ch_3KZljsBkGIL8oaER0Lt7I58m"
  ["collection_method"] => string(20) "charge_automatically"
  ["created"] => int(1646441091)
  ["currency"] => string(3) "eur"
  ["custom_fields"] => NULL
  ["customer"] => string(18) "cus_LGIIwoM4eVkcHc"
  ["customer_address"] => NULL
  ["customer_email"] => string(29) "user@gmail.com"
  ["customer_name"] => NULL
  ["customer_phone"] => NULL
  ["customer_shipping"] => NULL
  ["customer_tax_exempt"] => string(4) "none"
  ["customer_tax_ids"] => array(0) {
  ["default_payment_method"] => NULL
  ["default_source"] => NULL
  ["default_tax_rates"] => array(0) {
  ["description"] => NULL
  ["discount"] => NULL
  ["discounts"] => array(0) {
  ["due_date"] => NULL
  ["ending_balance"] => int(0)
  ["footer"] => NULL
  ["hosted_invoice_url"] => string(157) "https://invoice.stripe.com/i/acct_1CbbokBkGIL8oaER/live_YWNjdF8xQ2Jib2tCa0dJTDhvYUVSLF9MR0lLRHN5TU9nejhTcGVtNEN6UDlyOWFmWUpidjNhLDM2OTgxODk30200WPtIBpXb?s=ap"
  ["invoice_pdf"] => string(163) "https://pay.stripe.com/invoice/acct_1CbbokBkGIL8oaER/live_YWNjdF8xQ2Jib2tCa0dJTDhvYUVSLF9MR0lLRHN5TU9nejhTcGVtNEN6UDlyOWFmWUpidjNhLDM2OTgxODk30200WPtIBpXb/pdf?s=ap"
  ["last_finalization_error"] => NULL
  ["lines"] => array(5) {
    ["object"] => string(4) "list"
    ["data"] => array(1) {
      [0] => array(21) {
        ["id"] => string(27) "il_1KZljrBkGIL8oaERDdbNcqVR"
        ["object"] => string(9) "line_item"
        ["amount"] => int(1599)
        ["currency"] => string(3) "eur"
        ["description"] => string(41) "1 × Premium Member (at €15.99 / month)"
        ["discount_amounts"] => array(0) {
        ["discountable"] => bool(true)
        ["discounts"] => array(0) {
        ["livemode"] => bool(true)
        ["metadata"] => array(6) {
          ["purchasable_type_id"] => string(12) "user_upgrade"
          ["purchasable_id"] => string(1) "1"
          ["currency"] => string(3) "EUR"
          ["cost"] => string(5) "15.99"
          ["length_amount"] => string(1) "1"
          ["length_unit"] => string(5) "month"
        ["period"] => array(2) {
          ["end"] => int(1649119491)
          ["start"] => int(1646441091)
        ["plan"] => array(19) {
          ["id"] => string(45) "user_upgrade_d369c3001a839e15ccff8927487c14ae"
          ["object"] => string(4) "plan"
          ["active"] => bool(true)
          ["aggregate_usage"] => NULL
          ["amount"] => int(1599)
          ["amount_decimal"] => string(4) "1599"
          ["billing_scheme"] => string(8) "per_unit"
          ["created"] => int(1572866281)
          ["currency"] => string(3) "eur"
          ["interval"] => string(5) "month"
          ["interval_count"] => int(1)
          ["livemode"] => bool(true)
          ["metadata"] => array(6) {
            ["purchasable_type_id"] => string(12) "user_upgrade"
            ["purchasable_id"] => string(1) "1"
            ["currency"] => string(3) "EUR"
            ["cost"] => string(5) "15.99"
            ["length_amount"] => string(1) "1"
            ["length_unit"] => string(5) "month"
          ["nickname"] => NULL
          ["product"] => string(45) "user_upgrade_d369c3001a839e15ccff8927487c14ae"
          ["tiers_mode"] => NULL
          ["transform_usage"] => NULL
          ["trial_period_days"] => NULL
          ["usage_type"] => string(8) "licensed"
        ["price"] => array(18) {
          ["id"] => string(45) "user_upgrade_d369c3001a839e15ccff8927487c14ae"
          ["object"] => string(5) "price"
          ["active"] => bool(true)
          ["billing_scheme"] => string(8) "per_unit"
          ["created"] => int(1572866281)
          ["currency"] => string(3) "eur"
          ["livemode"] => bool(true)
          ["lookup_key"] => NULL
          ["metadata"] => array(6) {
            ["purchasable_type_id"] => string(12) "user_upgrade"
            ["purchasable_id"] => string(1) "1"
            ["currency"] => string(3) "EUR"
            ["cost"] => string(5) "15.99"
            ["length_amount"] => string(1) "1"
            ["length_unit"] => string(5) "month"
          ["nickname"] => NULL
          ["product"] => string(45) "user_upgrade_d369c3001a839e15ccff8927487c14ae"
          ["recurring"] => array(5) {
            ["aggregate_usage"] => NULL
            ["interval"] => string(5) "month"
            ["interval_count"] => int(1)
            ["trial_period_days"] => NULL
            ["usage_type"] => string(8) "licensed"
          ["tax_behavior"] => string(11) "unspecified"
          ["tiers_mode"] => NULL
          ["transform_quantity"] => NULL
          ["type"] => string(9) "recurring"
          ["unit_amount"] => int(1599)
          ["unit_amount_decimal"] => string(4) "1599"
        ["proration"] => bool(false)
        ["proration_details"] => array(1) {
          ["credited_items"] => NULL
        ["quantity"] => int(1)
        ["subscription"] => string(28) "sub_1KZljrBkGIL8oaERqhWhuVRC"
        ["subscription_item"] => string(17) "si_LGIK1bDKlV6XvQ"
        ["tax_amounts"] => array(0) {
        ["tax_rates"] => array(0) {
        ["type"] => string(12) "subscription"
    ["has_more"] => bool(false)
    ["total_count"] => int(1)
    ["url"] => string(46) "/v1/invoices/in_1KZljrBkGIL8oaERZhsKxhT1/lines"
  ["livemode"] => bool(true)
  ["metadata"] => array(0) {
  ["next_payment_attempt"] => NULL
  ["number"] => string(13) "D524335E-0001"
  ["on_behalf_of"] => NULL
  ["paid"] => bool(true)
  ["paid_out_of_band"] => bool(false)
  ["payment_intent"] => string(27) "pi_3KZljsBkGIL8oaER0tfHSxQM"
  ["payment_settings"] => array(2) {
    ["payment_method_options"] => NULL
    ["payment_method_types"] => NULL
  ["period_end"] => int(1646441091)
  ["period_start"] => int(1646441091)
  ["post_payment_credit_notes_amount"] => int(0)
  ["pre_payment_credit_notes_amount"] => int(0)
  ["quote"] => NULL
  ["receipt_number"] => string(9) "2636-9012"
  ["starting_balance"] => int(0)
  ["statement_descriptor"] => NULL
  ["status"] => string(4) "paid"
  ["status_transitions"] => array(4) {
    ["finalized_at"] => int(1646441091)
    ["marked_uncollectible_at"] => NULL
    ["paid_at"] => int(1646441091)
    ["voided_at"] => NULL
  ["subscription"] => string(28) "sub_1KZljrBkGIL8oaERqhWhuVRC"
  ["subtotal"] => int(1599)
  ["tax"] => NULL
  ["test_clock"] => NULL
  ["total"] => int(1599)
  ["total_discount_amounts"] => array(0) {
  ["total_tax_amounts"] => array(0) {
  ["transfer_data"] => NULL
  ["webhooks_delivered_at"] => NULL
  ["eventType"] => string(25) "invoice.payment_succeeded"
I ran a test and got it again. Then I ran another test a few minutes later and didn't get it. Then a real customer subscription renewal went in without error.

Very strange.

The only charge I did recently was make it so that you need to register first before upgrading as I turned off the pay when register part of the paid subscriptions add-on but that was a week ago.

I was having an issue where people pay with one email and then use the register with Google button when creating account which was a different email than payment but this is not related at all to that problem
This is still happening from time to time. Of course XF says the problem is with Stripe and Stripe says everything is working fine on their end and the problem must be with XF.

I do have the Paid Registrations addon but I don't think that is causing the issue. I've made no changes there.
This is still happening from time to time. Of course XF says the problem is with Stripe and Stripe says everything is working fine on their end and the problem must be with XF.

I do have the Paid Registrations addon but I don't think that is causing the issue. I've made no changes there.
Check the developer side in stripe for the errors for more info.

If you offer multiple payment tiers we found that rolling the keys helped resolve them
This is still an intermittent issue. Simply tell Stripe to resend the API call it and goes through on XF's end perfectly...so it seems like an issue on XF's end.

Perhaps XF should at least return a non-200 code when "Event data received from Stripe does not contain the expected values." is thrown so that Stripe will at least retry automatically.
This is still an intermittent issue. Simply tell Stripe to resend the API call it and goes through on XF's end perfectly...so it seems like an issue on XF's end.

Perhaps XF should at least return a non-200 code when "Event data received from Stripe does not contain the expected values." is thrown so that Stripe will at least retry automatically.
Rolled key but still happens from time to time. Hopefully, this bug will be solved soon on XF's end.
I mentioned this in another thread. The error notice I receive is essentially the same as the one posted above from the provider log.

Stripe has horrible customer support, but I am chatting with someone who barely understands what's what.
So Stripe responded, so far, after about 25 min. explaining and re-explaining the issue:

"With regard to this case, I may need to pass it on to our specialized team, who are best positioned to help you with this issue. As it turns out, we may need to convert this chat to email for now. Would that be okay?"

In other words, they cannot escalate a support request in the chat room. It has to go to email.

I'll let you folks know if and when I have a working response. Yes, I mentioned resending the API call.
So far, after a day, Stripe claims, well, their data shows the payment correctly processed, but that doesn't explain why the log shows an error, and it failed to update the member's account.

They are supposedly still working on investigating this issue. But I had to explain several times what the problem was. I wonder how they stay in business.
The final conclusion from Stripe:

"Regarding your inquiry, since the payment is successful at our end, the problem could be your forum system. We’d advise you to reach out to the XenForo forum to fix this problem."

I reported this problem several months ago to XF support, when the first update error occurred in my setup, but there has been no update since then as to the status.
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