XF 2.2 Disable Reactions for Question Threads


Active member
I'm trying to encourage more members to make use of the voting functionality within question threads. Right now many members are using reactions instead of votes despite my best attempts to steer them towards voting.

I know reactions can be disabled via permissions at forum level but my forums have both question and discussion threads available and I don't want to disable reactions for the discussions threads.

Is it possible to disable the reactions for question threads only? Hopefully this would help to encourage the use of the voting functionality instead.
There is nothing built in for that.

You can use CSS targeting the thread_view_type_question template to hide the reaction link -- untested but something like this added to the extra.less template:

        display: none !important;

Or you can edit the html template in the ACP to remove the code completely.
There is nothing built in for that.

You can use CSS targeting the thread_view_type_question template to hide the reaction link -- untested but something like this added to the extra.less template:

        display: none !important;

Or you can edit the html template in the ACP to remove the code completely.
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