CTA Table BB Code

CTA Table BB Code 1.1.1

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When I've already installed newest 1.1.1, how are the instructions steps to get my custom helpsection text? Can I just do folldowing?

download 1.1.1
edit it in .xml
install only .xml

Do I then have to insert my custom helpsection text every cta table bb-code addion version update in .xml before updating to prevent reverting the helpsection text?
So when I've already installed, do I have to deinstall first and then install? On updates, my custom text stays and isn't reverted?

EDIT: I found that I can edit the text for each BB-Code in /admin.php?bb-codes/ at "Example Usage". So that works for me.
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Request BB-Code Syntax simplyfing
I think the BB-Code Syntax from older Easy Table BB-Code Addon (doesn't work anymore on xf 1.2+)
is much more comfortable, effective and easy to remind to handle it for editor user.


How about to optimize the BB-Code Syntax and make it simpler?
I won't be changing it to match that syntax.
I use this table bbcode to construct a table and notice a very strange thing.
Here is the code

When I resize the browser window or view it on the mobile phone in portrait, the 2012 column disappears.
I don't experience that on my site.

You will however need to create a BB Code which overflows in screen widths which are too narrow for the table contents.

I use this:

With this css:
    width: auto;
    max-height: 600px;
    overflow: auto;
You have this in your CSS somewhere or somehow being applied at that width.

@media (max-width: 480px)
table tr td:nth-child(4) {
display: none;
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