Crowd Moderation

Crowd Moderation [Paid] 2.1.0

No permission to buy ($15.00)
Is there any way to configure this add-on so as to have a hybrid between regular moderation and crown-based moderation?

We would like to use this add-on for crowd-based moderation, configuring the add-on to auto-delete posts once say 3 or 4 members have reported a post.

But sometimes a post might need special attention from a member of the moderation team. But as I understand it, this add-on takes over the Report button under posts, so once you configure the add-on to auto-delete posts, the Report button can no longer be used to get the attention of someone on the mod team. Is that correct?

We would like to have a set up where posts are auto-deleted when sufficient members press the Report button; but we would also like members to have a Report button to press when they want to attract the attention of moderators, and report a post in the normal way (so that the report goes into the moderator's reports list).
If you set the threshold for two or more reports to send a post into moderation, then someone reporting their own post with a single report won't trigger it being auto-moderated. No need for anything else. And even if there would be an occasional slip-up, it's nothing to go into the moderation queue and approve the post. (We don't delete posts in this manner--anything questionable goes to the moderation queue.)
If you set the threshold for two or more reports to send a post into moderation, then someone reporting their own post with a single report won't trigger it being auto-moderated. No need for anything else. And even if there would be an occasional slip-up, it's nothing to go into the moderation queue and approve the post. (We don't delete posts in this manner--anything questionable goes to the moderation queue.)

Thanks very much for your reply.

The way we are thinking of using this add-on is to configure it to soft delete posts, rather than configure it to send a post to the moderation queue. This is so that we can take some off the workload of the moderation team, by getting members to crowd delete posts which break our forum rules.

But then if the Report button is configured to delete posts when the Report button is pressed by a certain set number of forum members, I presume that configuration of the add-on then prevents the Report button being used to send a post into the moderation queue?
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