Comments in Posts

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Reddit enables users to comment on replies. Most people are familiar with that way of doing things. What makes XF different?
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Reddit enables users to comment on replies. Most people are familiar with that way of doing things. What makes XF different?
It is old school forum software of a type that predates Reddit and other "social media". Commenting on a post was done by replying to it in those days. I am meh on the idea. I have seen it implemented (using an add-on) on another XF board I am on and certainly have no problem with the idea. Just not a priority for my site.
Comments in Posts. So divisive.

Note: Profile Posts have always had it. (see below)
Addons that do this:

[UW] Forum Comments System

not sure of the status of this addon. I think it's defunct.

[OzzModz] Post Comments​

free download.
Set the nested level maximum depth ! looks like it has nested comments. WOW
  • Threaded inline posts and comments
  • Set the nested level maximum depth
  • Similar feel to how Reddit, Facebook, and other social media sites handle comments
  • Works with XPress and UI.X
  • Support for most major add-ons

Another possible addon:


looks quite distinct.
allows replies as comments on specific forums and not on others. previous addon may not do that.
allows first post to be stickied.
allows attachments.

The discussions are essentially linear.
There are some situations where this works, such as stackoverflow. It works there because the first "post" is a question. Any comments to that question ask for clarification and whatnot.
Post Reply has a feature where the first post appears at the top of every thread page.
They might be more useful if they were restricted to a limited number of characters, a bit like tweets - maybe 140 or possibly less - so their impact on the post/thread would be minimal.
that would be essential.
was the addon that caused pagination issues .. Post Reply ?
Yes, Post Reply causes pagination issues and the dev does not intend to fix. Post Comments continued to have pagination issues for me following an import and the original devs no longer have control. Post Comments also has other issues like no notifications. As of right now there is no good addon for post comments/nested replies, in my experience.
Yes, Post Reply causes pagination issues and the dev does not intend to fix. Post Comments continued to have pagination issues for me following an import and the original devs no longer have control. Post Comments also has other issues like no notifications. As of right now there is no good addon for post comments/nested replies, in my experience.
Pagination issues were solved a while ago. I don't experience that problem since long time.
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