Comments in Posts

Do you want Comments in Posts ?

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I hate the idea of nested comments on a forum, it's cool in some contexts like reddit but general forums where I intend to find content again later I would much rather everything be linear. I do however think that it would be useful for moderators to comment on posts to be able to tell people to stop fighting, breaking the rules, etc without making a post would be cool.
Comments on posts is the most retarded idea since *insert worse idea here*. Posts are essentially comments. Why do you think quoting even exists.
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Quoting exists so that I can show you where you lost me...

Right here:
I was with you till then.
It was meant to say the purpose of quoting would be useless if comments existed. Comments are additional clutter, with no extra purpose but to do something already existent in a different and uglier way.
Got the worse idea, commenting on a post has just about as much logic as liking someone liking a post.
A graphical example of Comments in Posts is:
Post Ratings - taking likes to the next level

It is very popular on TAZ.

Likes themselves are a very simple version of Comments in Posts.

The concept of commenting on a post is: you don't think your entry to the thread applies to the whole thread ... it just applies to one post ... so you make your entry as a comment to a post, not a reply to the whole thread. It's simple. But chit-chat gaming forums don't need post comments as either vBulletin5 or discourse implement it.
The only reason I could ever see it being used is for staff to tell members to ease up, without making it another post and getting the thread farther off topic or something.

I would definetely hate to have comments on posts (which are essentially the same thing).
I could see myself possibly coming around to this (possibly off topic stuff).. Not particularly because i like the idea ( i actually concur it would get convoluted quick) but because i could see my members making good use of commenting on posts since my forum like to take things off topic pretty quickly this could curb that some.. Or just the opposite and make the problem even worse.. At any rate this is not a feature id want to be a plugin.. and would only try (test) it out if it was core. reason being that if the plugin ever got abandoned and it became unusable removing it would cause a lot of permanently lost data...
IMHO it can works if:
  • Comments limited to # chars (rule publicized like in the profile status with a count down)
  • If # characters exceeded, once clicked the post button the user have to decide to post like a reply (quote) or modify the comment to lower the number of characters
The only reason I could ever see it being used is for staff to tell members to ease up, without making it another post and getting the thread farther off topic or something.

I would definetely hate to have comments on posts (which are essentially the same thing).

You know @Daniel Hood the ability for a mod to comment on a post like that would actually be kind of useful, it would certainly be an addon that I'd pay for. /hinthint/ ;)
The only reason I could ever see it being used is for staff to tell members to ease up, without making it another post and getting the thread farther off topic or something.
Good use of a Comment on posts (admin only).

IMHO it can works if:
  • (1) Comments limited to # chars (rule publicized like in the profile status with a count down)
  • (2) If # characters exceeded, once clicked the post button the user have to decide to post like a reply (quote) or modify the comment to lower the number of characters
Interesting ideas :)
For (2) it might be a good idea to enable a user to self-select that what they are doing is commenting. Forinstance, if you quote something. if you reply starts with an exclamation mark ... it could be processed as a comment to a post vs. a post. For those that want to preserve post order ... the comment could appear both as a comment and as a post at the end of the thread. Of course users would have to learn the use of the exclamation mark.

there is a reason the flat/threaded option went out of fashion.
vBulletin 5 has comments in posts (a very bad implementation, mind you).
Discourse has it.

I'm not suggesting it. (This isnt a suggestion thread).
@Luke Foreman your idea in Post Ratings add on is very good. but sadly, it is not trigger Like function of Xenforo. It will be better if you may combine it to Like Function as in Xenforo. When user hits Positive rate then it will trigger the default Like Function.
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