Chat 2 by Siropu

Chat 2 by Siropu [Paid] 2.4.1

No permission to buy (€29.99)
Running latest version for XF 2.0
Is there anyway to neutralize the non-rendered smilies in bottom dock ?

The dice roller works great now - thanks for the fix!

The problem now appears with the modifiers. When attempting to add +1 or +2 modifiers to the roll, the script seems to ignore the number asked for and simply copies the number before the roll to add as modifier.

If I type in 3D6+2, the resulting script posts:

If I type 6D6+1, the resulting script posts:

Could the developer look into this, please?
Yeah, exactly - sorry for not specifying what I meant. Right now it shows the numbers rolled by themselves and when you add in the modifier, it leaves it out of the result altogether - so I was thinking it would make sense if the script could do a tally/total after executing a roll.
Re-download the latest version and once everything is uploaded, rebuild Chat data. You will find the option to sum dices in the command options.
It works great, thank you for the addition! After rebuilding the chat data and disabling/enabling everything all over again, the chat avatars are showing up as broken images. The visible avatars are pre-upload/rebuild and broken images are from earlier this morning.

When my members click the Chat tab the first page they see is..


Clicking the link 'Browse rooms' brings up...

(ignore the 'Create room' button as I was in admin mode)

The question is, is it possible to skip the first page so that members go straight to the rooms list page?
Chat 2.0.23
Make sure that you have set a room in Chat admin options "Default joined rooms" and the users have the permission to join rooms.
I've tried that but still the first page shows

Permissions for Registered Members:



In Add-ons>Chat>Options...

Also, on a separate issue, if I set a font awesome icon for the navigation tab, it works, but the existing icon shows alongside:




I'm not sure if this a style issue though as I'm not using the default xenForo style?
can I somehow assign user groups to rooms?
User group new users
User group expired users
Standard users and more

Chat Room:
ALL user groups land in the standard chat room.
User group "new users" may not see it and ONLY the room "Chat room: new users" and
User group "expired users" may ONLY use the room "chat room: expired users".

This would be convenient if one in XF e.g. in the user group could choose: standard room for this group.
And then it will load automatically. If Select rooms is set to 0 (or 1?), This should be the only group that sees this group of users.

That would be a real progress !!!!

LG: Tammy
What you can do currently is to restrict room access based on user group. The "Default joined rooms" chat admin option works with the room permissions so you can select any room and will join user based on user group permission.
I can not do it.
Chat room 1: Admin, Superadmin, new user. Rest deactivated.
Chat room 2: Admin, Superadmin, inactive users. Rest deactivated.
Chat Room 3 - Standard: all activated. New users (Chat1) and inactive users (chat2) disabled.

LG: Tammy

chatversion x.x.23
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Can not do what? You want to auto join users in rooms based on those user-groups? You can do that, but if a user has used the chat before and joined a room, you can not force new rooms on that user.
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