Any sort of roadmap for Xenforo 2.3 ?

Maybe I've missed it @Chris D but I haven't read anything about why 2.3 is delayed by almost 1.5 years. Only thing I remember reading is that the XF team wants to do it right but that should always be the case so that on its own doesn't explain it.
Go and read the 8 threads about version 2.3 in the have you seen board.
Frankly what do you expect?
They have released the HYS for 2.3, it is deployed here and I'm sure they are focusing on getting it to us.
This is different than a few months ago prior to the HYS when the timeline is unclear.
We know they are actively working on it and it will be ready when it is, probably beta within weeks.
Frankly what do you expect?
They have released the HYS for 2.3, it is deployed here and I'm sure they are focusing on getting it to us.
This is different than a few months ago prior to the HYS when the timeline is unclear.
We know they are actively working on it and it will be ready when it is, probably beta within weeks.
Week with 'S'.
I am hoping (not expecting because it is not my place) to hear why the release is almost 1.5 years behind schedule, that's all.
How is it behind schedule when there was never a formally announced release date or fixed release cycle? At most, it is later than expected based on past release cycles. That's not a schedule, though, just people's expectations.
Not quite...
Not quite...
That is an estimate date dude.
You know when people put a date up and it's subject to change. What you're pointing out there is that.
They had us speaking about it right up until they were ready to show us.
Now that we're using the software on here there are bugs being reported which require the developers to fix up.
Not quite...
A post from Kier that was pretty dang vague to start with hardly counts as a "schedule". I certainly did not take it as one. Right now, we have 2.3 on here and they have indicated that they are doing work based on that experience. So it's not like nothing is happening.
Not I. And people are quite within rights to disagree with you so not sure "Everybody should" is correct.
That's right. I resent the remark about what I should agree with. I'm quite happy that we don't keep getting bombarded with so-called upgrades like some software. It works, so there is no real need to keep rushing though updates that are either not needed or (worse) not yet stable enough.
I think you misunderstand. In July 2022 Kier posted that 2.3 HYS would be coming in the coming weeks but instead it took 14 months.

So if you read that post you would assume, like me, it would not take 1.5 years.
I'm not looking for drama, the only thing I would like to know what that is.
Honestly let’s be real here, there are a lot of people that have been left wondering what caused the delay at this point - as per what @duderuud referenced above. I know some of you don’t care, or try to act like there’s nothing to see here… but on the opposite side of the fence, I believe it’s totally okay for customers to be questioning what went down the last 2 years all things considered. Let’s not kid ourselves…
No...really? I know..

That is not the issue. Everybody should agree it is taking way longer then anticipated. Why...
Nor I, the software is working great as it is. The updates will come in due time.
So, for the millionth time (When It's Ready) ;)
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