Advanced Bb Codes Pack

Advanced Bb Codes Pack [Paid] 1.14.8

No permission to buy ($35.00)
Xon updated Advanced Bb Codes Pack with a new update entry:

1.11.0 - Maintenance update

  • Require StandardLib v1.11.0+
    • Improve support for rendering templates in the mail & api contexts by correctly injecting template filters/functions into multiple rendering contexts
  • Move template functions abs/parse_less_func into Standard Lib add-on
  • Remove unused 'bb_code_time' date-time formatting option, this was just {{ date($time, 'picker') . 'T' . date($time, 'H:i:00P') }}

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hi All

My developer removed the advanced bbcodes addon and now i get to see older articles headings on my forum, like below, with H1 appearing at the end - is this because my developer did remove this addon? or could there be another reason? regards

Forex Trading - a few simple forex trading techniques... for beginners[/H1]​

Yes, this add-on adds a [h1] tag. You'll need to manually update every bb-code reference to use [header=1][/header] or re-install the add-on.
Thank you. So if the addon is installed, it will automatically remove H1 that is appearing next to some of the old headings of articles? Is this correct?
Without seeing the raw bb-code, no idea. Changing add-ons which touch bb-code is somewhat risky as the editor can produce odd outcomes if content which has now disabled bb-code is edited, and then the bb-code is enabled again.
I just got and installed this today and this is also what I'm experiencing:
I seem to have encountered an issue tied to this add-on.

It says it supports H1/H2/H3/etc and there are references in the code to doing so. This does not seem to be working correctly.

One of my mods, using the natively supported "Header" BBCodes, found that when she switched code on or off or edited the thread, a code like "Heading=1", for example, would switch itself to H1. She discovered this because these codes are also not working, meaning the site will instead display the "[H1]" tag.

Example of an edited thread:
View attachment 259334
To be clear, literally the only "editing" I did was clicking "edit", then "save". The code itself switched. The thread now looks like this:
View attachment 259335
I'm a bit unclear as to what I'm supposed to do to proceed. This is migrated forum (not live yet) with a lot of already formatted content. Is there a fix one way or another? Thanks!
It looks like some of the editor support code paths have h1/h2/h3/h4 always enabled instead of being conditional on the custom bb-code being installed.

Have you installed/enabled the h1/h2/h3/h4 bb-codes? Or where they enabled and then later disabled?
I haven't done anything much to bbcodes at all prior this addon, other than moving a few around, but not the main h1 etc. one.

I'm not totally sure what you mean here: Have you installed/enabled the h1/h2/h3/h4 bb-codes? Two of the same icon were there after the install of the add-on. Initially I left them both there to try them all out, wasn't sure what was what, really. Maybe after that I got confused?
We use h2 for titles in posts.
Your addon now kills these titles, when we edit a post.
How can i stop your add-on to delete my h2/h2, please?
How do you reference other bbcodes in the moderator-only list? Is it possible? I can't get codes other than those 4 default ones to work.

For example, text color, which is referenced as:
text color
Text color

Thanks!! I have quite a few to hide from non-staff.
How do you reference other bbcodes in the moderator-only list? Is it possible? I can't get codes other than those 4 default ones to work.

For example, text color, which is referenced as:
text color
Text color

Thanks!! I have quite a few to hide from non-staff.
There are two parts to the moderator bb-code;
  • Removing it from the editor for non-moderators, this doesn't work for all built-in tags.
  • Stopping the bb-code rendering for non-moderators, this requires the bb-code to be configured to use the SV\AdvancedBbCodesPack\BbCode\Tag\ModInterrupt class as a php-call back and isn't design to support arbitrary bb-code without some a bunch of template edits as well.
@Xon Add self-closing font-awesome bb-codes (not installed by default)? Please can add support On install custom bb-codes are installed & enabled?
The bb-codes import page.

Needing it to be manually imported is a result of the limitation where the add-on installer can't easily prompt for post install configuration.

Done but this are not added to group from your addon. This group will be happened with Editor & BB Code Manager addon.

I tried the other add-on for securing bbcodes to user groups. It's not working. All I really need is some way to suppress specific bbcodes if the user is not staff -- not a moderator or admin. Not being a super coder and still getting my feet wet with XF coming from vB, I just can't figure out a way. It's a pretty big issue for me. I REALLY need the ability to fancy up all articles. But I really don't want forum posts polluted with a bunch of crazy formatting. My only workaround at this point is to create a staff-only article that spells out ALL of the bbcodes, and I will have to enter them manually in what will end up being well over a hundred, in-depth articles. It's gonna be painful. Any chance for a simple solution somehow? Pretty please?? :)Point me in the right direction to add my own edits somewhere?
Hi! This is an amazing resource and it's been incredibly helpful for my userbase already. I was wondering if you could possibly point me in the right direction for editing the padding and default border for the tabs code? I don't see it in my settings and it very well could be due to my theme, but if there's any way you know of for me to edit it, I would very much appreciate it!
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