XF 1.4 Admin Session Frequently Logging out


Hi when i click some part of Admin Sections,
the admin session keep logging out and asking me to login again ..!!
i am facing this problem few days,
tried to fix, but i cant :(
any idea??

some time when i disable an addon, it shows the error message popup,
but the admin page didn't logged out :unsure:

The following error occurred:
This action could not be completed because you are no longer logged in.

I checked the remote ip address with phpinfo, and it says my correct ip address.
mentioned this because , some discussions suggested to check this.
If this has just started then it suggests something has changed, either with the server or your connection.

Have you made any changes to either of those prior to the problem starting?
Thank you for the quick response @Brogan
I have installed Cache plugin for my VPS , and added those mentioned lines for caching in config ,
only front end caching lines are added, i removed them too..
previously user session tables are frequently crashed , and i repaired some times through phpmyadmin,
after that , i contacted host and corrected the SQL server problem.

I think these are the major changes
There's no reason to suspect any database corruption, unless you are experiencing errors or there are entries in the error log.

This is the reply, i got from host,

I don't see any stability issues with the MySQL server at the moment. It has been running continuously for three days. However, last month some "out of memory" events occurred which caused abnormal termination of mysqld.

is there any ways to check the reason for logging out?
There is an update , i want to post in this discussion,
i have tried disabling Cache Plugin in my VPS,
Xcache ,

Now forum seems fine, without this cache plugin and without some extra add ons.

does xcache cause any incompatibility with xenforo ?
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