Add-on A Look At The Upcoming Public Release of SEO & Index Tools

Q: How much will it cost?
A: Tbd. I am torn between possibly a lot (to justify the insane development needs), or very cheap, out of my desire for everyone possible to have this addon. That is a tough call.
Why not a middle ground? Everyone possible sounds, IMHO, like a headache, lots of support requirements, silly questions, inability to do basic reading/understanding, etc. A lot means many won't be able to afford it, don't have the upfront purchase price available. The middle ground likely eliminates the "everyone possible" issues, whilst still able to maintain a healthy income and a good customer base.

For my "higher end" addons, I often evaluate them being able to support themself, financially. Eg. Will site income (advertising and/or membership) be increased to cover the cost of the addon.
If a large addon is to be updated, enhanced, maintained and kept alive, it needs to generate good income.
Absolutely true, but you can derive that from lots of sales at lower price compared to fewer sales at high price.
If for some reason development stopped, anyone who uses this addon would have a significant problem because they would loose all the settings, meta data, etc. It would be a similar situation as when vbSEO or NuSEO pulled the plug back in the vb days.
I presume loss of those settings just reverts you to where you were without the addon, the more serious issue is when it leaves you with something "damaged." I thought with vbSEO that damage was caused to links being broken and needing (possibly very complex) redirects to solve that issue.
I presume loss of those settings just reverts you to where you were without the addon, the more serious issue is when it leaves you with something "damaged." I thought with vbSEO that damage was caused to links being broken and needing (possibly very complex) redirects to solve that issue.
Irregardless of intended lifespan of the product, I would never develop features which could a. cause catastrophic failure or complete breakage down the line without it or b. require complex measures to roll things back or revert to normal, out of pure principle.

If an idea can't be magically solved/reverted upon hitting "Uninstall" and your site act like normal XF, it would never go in the addon.

Edit: Even something so simple as the thread meta is stored in a separate table (xf_seo_thread_meta) and entity called ThreadMeta. That way there's not countless customizations buried in the thread table, or point of failure during say an uninstall on massive boards if the script fails. Though on the other hand I'd like the meta in the thread table so as to do one less lookup :unsure:.

Why not a middle ground? Everyone possible sounds, IMHO, like a headache, lots of support requirements, silly questions, inability to do basic reading/understanding, etc. A lot means many won't be able to afford it, don't have the upfront purchase price available. The middle ground likely eliminates the "everyone possible" issues, whilst still able to maintain a healthy income and a good customer base.

For my "higher end" addons, I often evaluate them being able to support themself, financially. Eg. Will site income (advertising and/or membership) be increased to cover the cost of the addon.
Good points. I may eventually do a poll to gauge possible price ranges. Not at all to say "to go with the highest possible range just because the votes are there", but for gathering opinions.
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I may eventually do a poll to gauge possible price ranges. Not at all to say "to go with the highest possible range just because the votes are there", but for gathering opinions.
A good idea and sensible business. As a small non-profit we would have to opt for low price, not out of being mean but purely because we are non profit and would continue to be so even if traffic increases.

But for big sites making big money I can see it worth them paying more.

I like the way Ampxf has a lower price for non profits.
I'm exited for the release of this and will be purchasing regardless of the price.

But if it helps having another opinion, I'm kind of in the "premium add-on should have a premium price to ensure its quality stays premium" boat.

I like the way Ampxf has a lower price for non profits.
As someone who runs a forum from passion only, I agree with this too.
Have you looked at including these Sitemap enhancements?

They should definitely help with SEO.
This looks like an excellent addon, I have been following this for a while =)

I think a medium price point would be sensible.
SEO question ....

Anyone remember AzuCloud ?

Do SEO people think this strategy works ? is a "legal" way to do things ?

Description & Screenshots:

This addon adds an automatically updating tag cloud to the footers of XenForo pages of your choice using terms from incoming search engine queries ordered by popularity. In theory this should provide significant SEO benefit :)


  • Supports all the major search engines: Google, Bing, Yahoo, AOL, Ask, etc.
  • Highly flexible integration supports theoretically every page in XenForo along with pages added by modifications.
  • Powerful search term manager allowing you to list, search and block terms along with their hit counts and the time since last hit.
  • Filtering of search engine operators such as +word, -word,
  • Well optimised code and queries - comfortably scales to millions of keyword hits.
  • Everything you see in the screenshots ;)

old thread

Just wondering what people think of the approach of this unmaintained old XF1 addon.
Interesting thread about Resource vs thread rankings by @Anomandaris here, which I replied to:

Have you looked at including these Sitemap enhancements?
The addon already does some of these, I definitely like the ideas especially the frequency!
Anyone remember AzuCloud ?

Do SEO people think this strategy works ? is a "legal" way to do things ?
Didn't have enough time to look in depth.. but is this addon meant to deliver information visible to the admin only in form of what keywords are being used to find their site? Aka a replacement for SEO software such as aHrefs or Semrush. Or is it meant to list them on the page itself essentially to have those keywords present on the page?

If it's #1, I'd say it could be useful for admins without access/funds to a service such as aHrefs or Semrush. If it's #2, then I'd say possible risk of keyword spam/penalty, especially when Google is triple-quadrupling down on their "good quality, readable content for visitors is key" philosophy.

Best method (albeit time and labor intensive), is to monitor keywords/phrases relevent to your site using a 3rd party service, then integrating them into on-page content as needed. As an extension (I do this on a client site), monitor trafficked pages and the main keyword of entry, then use that keyword to find top volume alternative phrases ("people also ask") and implement those in your content as well (covering all the bases). This will end up delivering you rich snippets with readable content, and the coveted selected answers featured at the top of results.
All In Meme GIF
Or is it meant to list them on the page itself essentially to have those keywords present on the page?
This is what it does. As you say its a method that can easily generate keyword spam and cause damage. There is some merit to such approaches as long as a fine line is walked. For example: there is no point adding a single tag that does not connect multiple threads or other content. And those other threads/content should really be on the same topic. As such I don't think the addon is useful in its current form. Criteria and human review would be needed.
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