
  1. TickTackk

    Update Any Resource 1.1.2

    Update Any Resource for XenForo Description Allows users with permission to add new update to any resource Requirements PHP 7.3+ XenForo Resource Manager 2.1.4+ Standard Library by Xon v1.10.0+ Options XenForo Resource Manager NameDescription New resource update reply to...
  2. Baby Community

    How does Xenforo Google Integration work?

    Hello friends today I will tell you how to install the integration between google and xenforo forum. First of all, we need to have our gmail and google account. We're entering our account. https://console.developers.google.com/console Then we are connected to my account. When we are...
  3. masxter

    Not a bug Error [E_NOTICE] Array to string conversion

    G'day! I've already got a similar error in my log for several days now: ErrorException: [E_NOTICE] Array to string conversion src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Statement.php:71 #0 [internal function]: XF::handlePhpError(8, '[E_NOTICE] Arra...', '/home/user/web...', 71, Array) #1...
  4. Baby Community

    Unmaintained Question Threads 2.0.2 Turkish Translation Question Threads 2.0.2

    Setup; In the languages section, select Install at the top right corner Then click on Select File and load the language that will be loaded on the language file. Select the Turkish Language File and load it over the selected language as shown in the following image. Click.
  5. Baby Community

    How do I create a bot that gets topics with rss in xenforo forum?

    How do I create a bot that gets topics with rss in xenforo forum? If you know a source about this, will you share it with me? Thank you for your help already xenforo friends
  6. Baby Community

    How to create a Xenforo Forum Bot?

    Hello friends; Forum site : https://www.bebekforum.net.tr What do you need to do to create a bot that draws resources from a site and likes threads written in the forum in the xenforo forum? Is there a plugin for this? Thanks for your answers already
  7. B

    Not a bug Getting Server Error in Log Files xenforo 2.0.1

    An exception occurred: [TypeError] Argument 2 passed to XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager::findByIds() must be of the type array, string given in src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Manager.php on line 198 XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager->findByIds() call_user_func_array() in src/XF/Template/Templater.php at line 920...
  8. Baby Community

    XenForo Forum Host Transport

    Hello friends. I made the XenForo forum host. My method is the old stereotyped method. He gave me errors, but I resolved the mistakes. The Xenforo forum should be a much simpler and error-free way on the road and back-up. Will you share the easy and faultless way with me to move the Xenforo...
  9. Anime-Fall

    From a Vbulletin Theme to a Xenforo Theme

    Hi everyone - How hard is it to have this forum theme migrated from vb to xenforo ? I am planning on migration but i need to have the foundations setup first. The theme isn't hard, most of the work is in the header and the footer and keeping the same middle body will be using xf instead of vb...
  10. Alvinuchenna14

    Not a bug Error And Solution Needed

    Please in Xenforo version 2 and the theme I am using which is Innovative Black, I am receiving this error after editing my footer and I've tried using so many browsers and it keeps on telling me this when trying to save it. Please solution needed. ALSO My Xenforo says some files with unexpected...
  11. Anime-Fall

    Lack of interest Any New Vision for Feeds and Profile ?

    Hello - We're recently renewed interest in Xenforo and looking into migrating from Vbulletin 4.x to Xenforo pretty soon. However, before we commit to that change, are Xenforo Developers looking into taking a different approach when it comes to providing features relative to Xenforo Profile...
  12. tmoflash

    XF 2.0 Home page Oops! We ran into some problems.

    https://forum.corinthmc.com when I go to root gives error "OOPS! We ran into some problems." I just upgraded to 2.1 and I removed all addon's. I originally had it set up as a "home" announcement page, I removed the "home" nav, but still giving error. I also tried to reset master template...
  13. Osman

    [XM] XR Product Manager Layouts 1.0.0

    XR Product Manager Layout With this add-on, which has been developed to be completely responsive, you can now display your XR Product Manager products more visually. Privatization is very easy thanks to its functional structure. You can multiply or reduce your columns in your desired...
  14. Anime-Fall

    Anime-Fall Looking to Switch from Vbulletin to Xenforo

    Hi Everyone Although, I still love Vbulletin, the amount of work put into the forum using vbulletin, and the plugins we use with its custom design, makes it hard for us to switch from Vbulletin to Xenforo. But I am seeing Xenforo is getting better and better every day while Vbulletin is not...
  15. Cremranyec78

    XF 2.0 Users can not register

    Hello, Can not register for our users forum, we had no such problem before upgrading to XenForo 2. At the moment there are no problems in the ongoing forums with XenForo 1 on the same server. Our Server Properties; - cPanel v68.0.37 - MariaDB 10.0.34 - PhP 7.0.29 - LiteSpeed 5.2.7 Our...
  16. T

    XF 2.0 Edit birthday fields on register Page to one field?

    Hey :) At this moment I'm working on the register design. Now i came up to the point that i wanted to change the birthday fields to one field. Normally the birthday register field is looking like this: But I want that the "Date of Birth" field looks like this: Normally it isn't very hard to...
  17. AlexL777

    XF 1.5 How can I deactivate the contact page

    Hello Community, I always send spam to my contact page in XF 1.5. ReCaptcha does not help because it's manual spam. How can I deactivate the contact page? I need in the forum only the imprint, where all contact information is in it. A contact page with the form is not necessary. Thanks in...
  18. RealAndrewPlayz

    Xenforo Demo?!?!

    I have a suggestion for the Xenforo Demo Maybe we could keep everything like it is with the xenforo demo but only change 3 things, We could make it to where the demos do NOT expire and delete, we could change it to where we chose our own website link name with xenforo after (example...
  19. A

    XF 1.5 I need help, Post Content Replacement Tool Font

    Hi, I converter Mybb to Xenforo but no convert content font bb codes. How to change bbcode fonts ? Example Forums Post in xenforo:
  20. Alien

    Fixed Bounced Email Error Log Entries

    This past weekend, I noticed these in the error log... Just wanted to post these two entries here to be helpful, in case it had to be looked into! ErrorException: Bounce message processing failed: [E_WARNING] preg_replace(): Unknown modifier 'r' src/XF/EmailBounce/Parser.php:189 Generated by...
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