
  1. Miso

    XF 1.5 Import from vBulletin 4.* got stuck on Import Forums step...

    While going through the built-in import, once I got half way through to Import Forums step I got stuck at a 500 Error. So while checking error_log I found this error got generated: [22-Dec-2016 06:04:21 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate...
  2. lNano

    Where i can find all native XF features?

    We plan to migrate from vB to XF soon, but we have a lot of plugins and two customized themes. I need to find all relative plugins, but i think some features are native (like YouTube embed). I'm correct? If yes, exist any list with all that native XF features? Regards,
  3. Amaury

    XF 1.5 Time Question

    This isn't a support or troubleshooting question, just a curiosity question, so I'm not looking for support. As such, if this is better in Off Topic as a general question, please move it there accordingly. Thanks. As I'm sure many of you know, when DST changes occur in vBulletin—or other forum...
  4. shabbirbhimani

    Go4Expert Finally is On Xenforo

    Go4Expert was on vBulletin since 2004ish and was never upgraded to vB4 for obvious reasons. Xenforo had its legal issues and that is when I decided to create a complete custom solution for vBulletin 3.x making it responsive, modern design, my own custom url structure, Amazon S3 integration for...
  5. kontrabass

    Help with nginx vbseo-vbulletin rewrites?

    I'm having trouble with some quirky vbulletin vbseo url's. Here's what I have in my nginx server config file: location / { rewrite ^/forum/f[0-9]+/.+-([0-9]+)/$ /threads/$1/ redirect; rewrite ^/forum/f([0-9]+)/$ /forums/$1/ redirect; ... This works great for...
  6. F

    XF 1.5 vb 4x import

    hello, import error; What is the reason? Mysqli prepare error: Illegal mix of collations (latin1_bin,IMPLICIT) and (latin5_turkish_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '=' Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_prepare() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 115 Zend_Db_Statement->__construct() in...
  7. Lloyd32552

    XF 1.5 Custom Fields for user's eyes only

    Before going much futher with with this, I've used custom fields in vB to store authorization codes for my software which allows users to look up their code. When importing vB into XF, those fields were populated. They are not currently showing on the Profile Page of the users and I think that...
  8. Murtada Shah

    From VB to XenForo -> Keep original URLs?

    Hi, We don't want to redirect our thousands of URLs, because google may hit us still with so many 301 redirects. Can we somehow keep all our original URLs? This would include the forum / topic numbers in the URLs.
  9. Lloyd32552

    XF 1.5 Help import vB4 and Photopost

    I've finished installing Xenforo/Xenforo Gallery on a new host and everything is running fine. I have not touched anything since the install so no records exist. I have backed up my DB from my old host and it exists as a .gz file on my computer. I have the config.php file from the vB4.23/BB5.41...
  10. enivid

    Add-on Tachy Goes to Coventry

    Any add-on with vB's 'Tachy Goes to Coventry' functionality? Is it too difficult do develop for XF?
  11. N

    Design issue Issues of copying contents from Vbulletin into Xenforo site

    Hi, We tried to copy contents from this site : http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f475/miracle-box-5-year-anniversary-update-ver-2-23-7715-emmc-nokia-spd-added-17-nov-2015-a-2014060/ Then, pasted into my site, the contents becames messed-up with strange symbols Please support us to investigate...
  12. S

    Looking to shift India's largest motorcycling forum to xenforo

    We are running a pretty huge board at www.xBhp.com/talkies. The current statstics are as follows : Threads 19,616 Posts 1,070,060 Members 63,076 We are planning to switch from VB4 to xenforo. Had tried to upgrade to vB5, but ran into multiple issues, so had to switch back to VB4. Now before...
  13. D

    Our Adsense history

    It has been quite a rollercoaster... It has been awful since the ban but it seems to be recovering now. Perhaps someone finds this interesting or can even post some tips.
  14. developr

    XF 1.5 Trying to load a non-registered importer

    Dear Community, I had imported a big forum completly and now I want to import and integrate a second forum. But if I open the importer I get this message. I used google as well but I don't find somebody with this problem. Reinstalling xf is not an option. I had tried to disable all addons by...
  15. ekool

    XF 1.5 xenForo Google results fall behind vBulletin

    We run a very large number of community sites (upwards of 200). We started moving a few sites over to the xenForo platform over the past few years and we do prefer this product over vBulletin. However, Google prefers vBulletin. What can we do about this? Here are a few examples to illustrate...
  16. enivid

    Add-on User Notes

    Hello! I need an add-on that would implement a system of user notes for all forum members. The aim of the system is to let users to keep a short custom note about any other user. The best implementation of this system that I know of is in the LiveJournal social network engine. vBulletin has a...
  17. dougdirac

    XF 1.5 simple php redirect scripts from vB4

    I know about the resource here, but I was wondering if there were simpler scripts available. Since I preserved my thread/post indices, I don't need a database lookup table. Thanks!
  18. A

    XF 1.4 XenForo is not performant

    We operate a very large forum in which at any time more than 3,000 users are online and at peak times almost 5000 users. We have around 2000 forums in our forum and this make problems. It seems to be XenForo is unlike vB not optimized for large forums. Have both forums tested locally - the vB...
  19. M

    XF 1.5 Reimport All except attachment from vBulletin 4.2

    Hallo, we are getting ready to move from vB to XF. We imported our data from vBulletin in, done our tweaks on languages phrases, style and so on. Now it's time to reimport our data, since new posts and threads have been opened. Since we have ~100GB of Attachment on vB, it took us during the...
  20. A

    MacRumor is going to move to XF from VB

    I read this site daily and it's exciting to see it finally moving to XF http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1823418
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