
  1. Ozzy47

    [OzzModz] Watch Forums After Registration 2.0.0

    In the "User registration" it can be specified which forums the new user automatically watches after registration.
  2. Naz

    Group membership moderators 2.2.1

    This add-on is shared with the Xenforo community for free without branding. Donations are welcome by just liking this add-on or leaving a nice review, that's all! :love: This addon will make it possible to assign 'Group Moderators' to your forum. A group moderator is able to view / add / remove...
  3. CMTV

    Lack of interest Add User criteria support to other systems

    Hi! XenForo has a useful and extandable criteria system. Trophy and Notice systems are using the User criteria type already. With this system, we can easily create different trophies (or show notices) to a users that match certain selected criteria. But there are many more systems that are...
  4. CMTV

    XF 2.0 The purpose of if($this->user_id)

    Hi! I wonder why some can...() methods do check existence of user ID and some do not in User entity class? public function canViewWarnings() { return ($this->user_id && $this->hasPermission('general', 'viewWarning')); } public function canViewMemberList() { return...
  5. CMTV

    Lack of interest AbstractCriteria is not abstract

    Hey! Imagine we are creating an addon for removing all posts that match selected criteria. A list of available criteria: Post has at least X likes Post author has an X username Post was edited at least X times Post was edited no more than X times Post was published before X Post was published...
  6. donscream

    XF 2.0 Custom user fields [hidden for users]

    hi, Maybe its out there somewhere but i can't find it so i will ask here..... i have made a section But i want this to be hidden for normal users and that only admin can see this..... And i mean not though the admin panel but just on the forum..... So my members can enter there Steam ID and...
  7. XFA

    [XFA] Force Users Introduce Themselves - XF2 1.2.0

    Requirements XenForo 2.0.0+ Description Ensuring new members introduce themselves to your community when joining your forum is always a difficulty. With our Force Users Introduce Themselves, this is now a problem of the past. This add-on lets you force all your new members to create a...
  8. XFA

    [XFA] Tournament - XF2 3.5.3

    Description Ever wanted to create and manage tournaments in your community with a solution fully integrated to XenForo ? Then our Tournament add-on from is made for you ! With Tournament, you and/or your users can create and manage (invite users, kick users, ...) public or private tournaments...
  9. P

    Unmaintained Add an FA logo to the user group

    Hello, Here is the final result: To do this, go to the Panel Admin, and go to the extra.less template. You will add this code: .username--style3:before { // Change the number 3 by the number of the user group you want. font-family: "FontAwesome"; content: "\f132"; // Change the...
  10. wmtech

    [WMTech] Content Downloader 2.1.0

    Description: This product allows you to provide your users downloadable files for content at your forum. The entire content of threads, conversations and all posts of a member can be simply downloaded into a standalone file and stored locally to be read or consulted later. You can choose...
  11. Robru

    XF 2.0 Changes for GDPR compliance in XF1 and XF2

    Can the above be used in the ACP or XF2.0.6? I have not been able to find it yet.
  12. ThemeHouse

    [TH] User Criteria Extended 1.0.6

    User Criteria Extended Get User Criteria Extended for free by using the coupon code MORECRITERIA during checkout. Heavily extends the range of available user criteria by adding opposite criteria for most existing criteria, along with a whole range of new criteria that can mostly be derived...
  13. Earth2Luke

    [Payment Profiles] and [User Upgrades] An unexpected database error occurred.

    I've been tinkering with the built-in Xenforo 2.0 "Payment Profiles" and "User Upgrades" however, I'm running into a small problem... At least when going through the process via PayPal. The goal: The goal is to have a $5.00 monthly subscription to allow the members to become a donor, which...
  14. XFA

    [XFA] Forum Sales - XF2 3.0.1

    Description Have you ever searched for a simple sale/classifieds solution allowing your user to sell their stuff directly from the forums ? Forum Sales is the solution ! Through a few additional fields to fill-in upon thread creation or edit, your users can start selling their stuff through...
  15. wmtech

    [WMTech] Optional Forums 2.0.2

    Allows users to show or hide "optional forums". You can select which forums to make optional. If a user chooses to hide an optional forum, he won't see it in forum lists, in New Posts, or searches etc. This is useful for boards with controversial or NSFW sub-forums. Users are no longer faced...
  16. Oblivion Knight

    Fixed User titles still showing despite clearing user title ladder

    My understanding is that by clearing the user title ladder, user titles should no longer be displayed? However, I have done this and the existing user titles are still being displayed for all users. I'm having to add this to extra.less to remove them from view completely.. .userTitle {...
  17. wmtech

    [WMTech] Time Spent Online 2.0.3

    If you like this add-on, please >> rate it << Description Record members' total time spent online, and add it to their member profiles. Features Profile. Show member's total time online on their account profile. Permissions. Set who can view it. Set who can hide it. User option. Members...
  18. CMTV

    XF 2.0 How use user custom field in .less template?

    Hi! I have a custom user field called test_color. How can I use the value of this field in extra.less or other less templates? Is there a way to do so without involving xenForo development mode and writing addons?
  19. wmtech

    [WMTech] Time Spent Online 1.2.2

    If you like this add-on, please >> rate it << Description Record members' total time spent online, and add it to their member profiles. Features Profile. Show member's total time online on their account profile. Permissions. Set who can view it. User option. Members can select if they...
  20. XenConcept

    [XenConcept] Login As User 2.1.1

    Feature Summary Send Conversation Login as different user Usergroup permission This addon allow Connect to another user. Options : Send conversation Conversation title Conversation content Conversation options Permission : Login as different user Do you have any suggestions...
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