
  1. D

    Lack of interest URL portion

    Hi, Noticed if we add URL portion to our forums it works great but it wont let us add URL portion to category. So if our category is named General it would put it as #general.1 instead of a custom URL portion as it #general Thanks
  2. Ovunc Dinc

    Unmaintained Custom URL Romanization 2.0.2

    This add-on will romanize URL character for XF2. Works everywhere (forums, threads, etc.), with minimal conflict. For those who have similar demands regarding url romanization simply modify it to your own need by modifying the src/addons/TurkishFriendlyLink/listener.php file. Note: Testing...
  3. CMTV

    XF 2.0 Path to images in designer mode

    Hi! I have enabled designer mode and all my template modifications are written at src/styles/<designer_id>/. Now I want to set a custom image for site background. Where should I place my image? How access this image inside templates/less files? Maybe there is a spical function to be used in...
  4. B

    XF 1.5 Old url 301 to xenforo url

    hi, i use old url from a phpbb2 forum and i want to 301 to xenforo old url xttp://xxx.mysitexx.com/forum/thread title-vt2871.html new xenforo url xttps://xxx.mysitexx.com/thread/2871/ how can i extract the id from url (number) thank you for your help ps i use nginx
  5. MstrfBlng

    XF 1.5 I'm looking for the current URL variable?

    I want to add a hreflang tag to all pages. And If I'm correct I can add this to the PAGE_CONTAINER template. I want to add this to every page. Where "nl" is not a variable, but everwhere the same. Where %URL% must be the canonical URL of the page: <link rel="alternate" hreflang="nl"...
  6. mmg

    SMF prettyurls to XenForo URL redirector

    Hi, I want to switch from SMF 2.x to XenForo 1.5. That SMF has a module named "Pretty URLs" which produced nice SEO URLs. Is there anyone who wants to take that job and do it (paid) for me? What I am looking for is a 301 redirector script from the old to the new URLs that I can probably...
  7. Codeless

    XF 1.5 DragonByte SEO URL to Xenforo 1.5.10

    Hello one of my friend want to buy Xenforo currently he is using vBulletin 4.2.3 with DragonByte SEO . its possible to import DragonByte SEO URL in xenforo he is affairs if urls changed he will lost traffic and rank please guide me if possible
  8. Banu

    Add-on Unshorten.it add-on to unshorten all short links is needed

    Hi, guys. I need a tiny little add-on that will do this little magic: 1. When a user submits/edits a post, 2. this addon checks all the links in the post via Unshorten.it API, 3. converts back all the shorten links to their initial variants (replaces the href value). 4. Plus some optimization...
  9. Jawaad

    XF 1.5 How to add new URL variable template for http and https

    I have running my forum with http protocol. After I change the url to https protocol, the problem is share facebook count, it doesn't count from http. The suggestion from facebook is using old url. So, how can I change the url share facebook from https to http? I want to edit template...
  10. P

    XF 1.5 Url structure for last post on a thread?

    I know there is... domain.com/posts/123 But... I am doing something with RSS which gives the URL to the first page of a thread. I know I can do... https://xenforo.com/community/threads/woot-pricing-and-release-info-d.3877/page-999999999999999 And that re-directs to page 32 automatically...
  11. Paradoxer

    XF 1.5 Changing the help/trophies Default URL

    I'm renaming "trophies" for my website to the term "quests." I've been modifying all the "Trophy" terminology that users will see in the front end by changing the Phrases, however this would also include the default URL of help/trophies. I'm not sure how I can change this to help/quests for...
  12. cjesuele

    XF 1.5 How to redirect domain.com/forums/ ?

    Hello, I am looking to redirect my domain.com/forums/ to domain.com/pages/title, but do not know how. Is this done by a simple 301 redirect? I do not want to disrupt my actual forums and threads that reside in the forums directory. Thank you
  13. erich37

    Duplicate Change URL of Profile-Page

    Suggestion: Change URL of Profile-Page ----------------------------- Current URL: https://xenforo.com/community/members/kier.2/ New URL: https://xenforo.com/community/@kier ----------------------------- Current URL: https://xenforo.com/community/members/brogan.521/ New URL...
  14. P

    XF 1.4 Help regarding url structure

    I think I made an error when I set my site up as the forum comes off the main home page under a directory called "forum". So when I go to the actual forum and look at a sub-forum the url is www.phobiasupportforum.com/forum/forums........ Example:-...
  15. Roka

    Unmaintained Cyrillic Rewrite URL (unsupported characters) 1.0

    With this add-on, you will support Macedonian and Serbian letters in rewrite_url. supported letters: Љљ Њњ Ѕѕ Ѓѓ Ђђ Јј Ќќ Ћћ Џџ HOW TO INSTALL: Download CyrillicRewrite_1.0.zip and unzip it. Upload the CyrillicRewrite folder to your server. The correct location is library/CyrillicRewrite...
  16. Demon_skeith

    No follow links

    I'm hoping someone could help me, I want to make it so some links on my board become no follow, so not picked up by google and other search engines. Anyone know of a good addon or option in xen that will take care of this?
  17. Melvin Garcia

    XF 1.5 vBulletin 5 URL's Redirect

    Hi guys, I recently upgraded my forum with vbulletin 5 to xenforo, now my question is, how can I configure redirects the old URLs for vbulletin 5? This is the .htaccess from the vbulletin 5 <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On #In some cases where you have other mod_rewrite...
  18. L

    Setting profile image to URL

    Hi, I would like to use a URL pointing to images I have hosted on Amazon S3 for user's profile pictures. Users have control over their profile pics disabled - the only way to alter them will be from our main site where we have our own profile pic management. I'm using the RESTFUL API...
  19. Dadparvar

    RM 1.2 How to shorten the URLs in XFRM

    Hi, How can I shorten URLs in XFRM? Now is like this: http://my-forum.com/resource/Title.ID/ I want to remove Title from URL. Any opinion will be appreciated. Regards,
  20. Dadparvar

    Lack of interest Upload resource from URL in XFRM

    Hi, I always have problems with uploading resources that are more that 200 mb (its not problem about my server. Because we have other sites on this server and all of them are limited but can upload 1 GB files, but my forum's access to server is unlimited somewhere but always has problem...
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