
  1. X

    Advanced Bb Codes Pack 1.14.8

    Recommended addons If Threadmarks Pro (paid) add-on is installed&active, these will automatically create a threadmark in the defined category (see 'Threadmark category Id' option) when a moderator only bb-code is used. If SVG Template (free) add-on is installed&active, an SVG icon is added...
  2. Don Daniello

    BB Editor: Can't finish [list] inside [spoiler] (inside [list])

    BB Code editor insists on wrongly finishing SPOILER before LIST. Here's an example BB Code after being processed by the "editor": First item More Stuff [/LIST] This renders an empty bullet point right after SPOILER ends. No matter how I manually correct the BB Code, the editor insists on...
  3. Ozzy47

    [OzzModz] Table BBcode Tweak 2.3.0

    This add-on is shared with the Xenforo community for free without branding. Donations are welcome by just liking this add-on or leaving a nice review, that's all! :love: By default all BBcode tables are full width (100%) with XenForo 2.1 / 2.2. This add-on makes it possible to use full or...
  4. truonglv

    [tl] Member Only Content 1.0.4

    Hiding content with certain users. How to use? The message become to hidden Permissions: Set permission to certain user groups can use this bb-code Options: Selected groups which can see the hidden content
  5. developr

    MG 2.0 How to enable Gallery embed (BB-Code) for posts

    Dear Community, actually the photo-button in the editor toolbar is missing and I can't find the settings to enabled the bbcode for gallery media. All the gallery embed bbcode in the posts aren't parsed as well.
  6. XenConcept

    [XenConcept] Hide BBCode 2.0.9 Patch 1

    This addon gives users the ability to hide their content using BBCode. This addon requires version 2.1 of XenForo Features: Six different BBCode to Hide Contents. UserGroup permissions TAG DESCRIPTION [HIDE] This tag is associated with [HIDEREPLY] for the moment. [HIDEREPLY]...
  7. XFA

    [XFA] Embedded PDF II (BBCode) 2.0.1

    Do not forget to rate it. This helps others to make decisions. If you have any ideas or suggestions don't hesitate to contact with me. You can Embed all online readable PDF files in to your board via custom BB Code. Usage: NOTE: PDF Link must be ended with [.pdf] Instructions: Upload...
  8. Sim

    Fixed GALLERY BBCode renders using relative URLs in SimpleHtml and EmailHtml

    In XFMG\BbCode\Gallery::renderTagSimple, when rendering simple or email HTML for media or album galleries, the link is built using relative URLs rather than full URLs as required for links views externally. Can I suggest that line 118 (v2.0.4) be changed to: $link =...
  9. CMTV

    Unmaintained Code 2.2.0

    Description This addon makes code bbcode and code editor way more functional by adding copy, expand, collapse buttons, resizer bar, code line numbers and ability to highlight lines. This is an open source addon. Visit GitHub repository for source code. All my addons are free... But if you...
  10. markransome

    XF 2.0 Cannot Get Custom BBCode To Work

    Hi, I am trying to add a custom BBCode to be able to add a custom button with a link, this is what I have come up with so far: BB code tag: btn Title: Custom button Replacement mode: Simple Supports option parameter: Yes HTML replacement: <p class="custom-button"><i class="fas...
  11. Fastline

    XF 2.0 How to resize Tables?

    I used KL Edit Manager but i'm unable to resize the Tables. How can i do that?
  12. Sunka

    Unmaintained Staff BBcodes (with extra two) - 2018-02-25

    Nice four BBcodes for your Staff members and extra two for all your users from Nothing new, nothing big, but I like it, and maybe you will like it too. This addon contain six bbcodes: Info Help Warning Important Edit Offtopic All you have to do: copy text from Staff...
  13. Roka

    Unmaintained [Roka] Notification BB Codes xf 2.x 1.0.0

    Create a Notification BB Code to show special colored boxes, with fontawesome icons. Features: Allowed bbcode. Allowed [INFORMATION] bbcode. Allowed [SUCCESS] bbcode. Allowed [WARNING] bbcode. Customized box color. How to use: Create new post and put Code: [ERROR=Test title]Test...
  14. J

    XF 2.0 BBCode with multiple options

    Hello, I am looking at merging a rather large community 1 million+ posts from phpBB to Xenforo. However, I've run in to some issues with 2.0 and BBCodes with multiple options, I knew roughly how to do it in Xenforo 1.x but I've had no luck doing it in 2.0 Basically an example of one the most...
  15. AlexT

    Fixed Hard coded processor actions - code event missing

    XF 2 provides a code event to listen to when a BB code renderer object is created ("bb_code_renderer", fired in the $container->factory('renderer') closure). Analogously, there should be a "bb_code_processor_action" code event fired in the $container->factory('processorAction') closure. This...
  16. C

    XF 2.0 Styling a "POST"

    Ok, crazy question, but I want to use the forum to post what I consider "articles". I am wondering if there are any 'templates' that would stylize a post. Something I can replicate over and over again to keep all similar posts the same. I have seen BBcode templates, but those are mostly for...
  17. CMTV

    Unmaintained Additional language for [code=...] bbcode

    Since xenForo 2.0.1 release you can add additional language support on your forum. There was no way to do so before due to this bug. This method of adding additional language was proposed by @Chris D. In this example, I will be adding LaTeX support. 1. Downloading PrismJS components xenForo...
  18. Cupara

    Fixed Adding new bbcode leads to character error

    Not sure if this is a bug or just something I'm missing since error messages are not really explanatory when popping up. I have no idea where the characters refer. I have disabled all my add-ons and tried but still the same issue.
  19. CMTV

    Fixed Additional language for [code=...]

    I tried to follow an algorithm of adding custom language for bbcode proposed by @Chris D . It is not working. I tried to figure what is going wrong and here is what I found. I will use Scala language here as an example. The proposed method is working fine if we set "scala" directly in...
  20. Lukas W.

    Unmaintained Editor & BB Code Manager 2.0.1 Patch Level 1

    Editor & BB Code Manager Description Fully customize your XenForo Froala instance. Change your toolbar layout, enable and disable BB Codes, make use of the new table and background-color BB Codes, provide exciting new fonts for your users from your own server or external hosts. It's all in your...
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