
Tickets 2.7.2

No permission to buy ($60.00)
  • If a user is awaiting approval, display any recent tickets they've created on the approval queue.
  • Display a user's current user state within a ticket.
  • Allow staff users with appropriate permissions to approve / reject users awaiting approval.
  • Show a proper error when trying to create knowledge base articles when no categories exist.
  • Fix upgrade path from XF1 version of the add-on.
  • Fix incorrect phrasing on the batch updating tickets page.
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Reactions: Joe Link and Xon
  • Support globally watching the ticket queue.
  • Support linking a resource item to a ticket category for users that have permission.
  • Always notify users watching a ticket for new replies rather than taking into account last read date.
  • Improve quick search integration.
  • Implement searching within a ticket.
  • Implement searching by category.
  • Implement searching by status.
  • Fix search not searching ticket titles.
  • Actually implement inline moderation support for ticket search results.
  • Fix incorrect positioning of predefined responses menu when using an RTL language.
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Reactions: Joe Link and Xon
  • Require Standard Library v1.5.0+, as this implements the template filter replacevalue
  • Support 64bit xf_ip.ip_id column.
  • Support linking a ticket category to a resource category.
  • Add Sort button to ticket priority and status lists.
  • Add spam cleaner support.
  • Fixes inactive priorities/statuses could be assigned to a ticket on edit.
  • Fixes the "Alerts are sent when a ticket transitions to this status" flag was not respected
  • Fixes editing a ticket's title to a falsy value.
  • Add batch update tickets functionality to admin panel.
  • Add category option to disable new tickets / messages.
  • Fixes attachment handling for new tickets.
  • Fixes for converting a conversation/thread to a ticket.
  • Fixes for converting a ticket to a thread, this includes incorrect assignment of the first post in the thread's IP.
  • Enable shadow-ban function even if most spam checks are disabled.
  • Reduce over-fetching of tickets when viewing a category.
  • Reduce queries from redundant ticket counter rebuilds.
  • Use XF cache backend where applicable for ticket last read date.
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Reactions: Xon
  • Add support for value pruning for fields that are editable only once.
  • Force global namespace for functions which are known to be optimizable to bytecode in php, or known global functions to avoid a current namespace lookup for the function.
  • Implement warnings for ticket messages.
  • Fix incorrect column definition for match types on ticket fields.
  • Fix API missing permission check for setting prefix on a ticket.
  • Fix ticket discussion threads would not correctly attach to a ticket. Installer will resync desync'ed ticket/discussion thread pairs.
  • Don't show flash message when rerouting the contact form.
  • Don't duplicate captcha display when a guest is creating a ticket.
  • Add ability to ban specific emails from Ticket system.
  • Add "shadow ban" feature, by an explicit email list or for tickets which contain too few words.
  • Add ability to copy ticket user's email to clipboard, if the visitor can see it.
  • Add additional filters for showing tickets based on whether they are unassigned, assigned to self or assigned to others.
  • Fix an issue with BB code rendering when using predefined responses.
  • Ensure the captcha displays when replying or creating a ticket.
  • Fix non-functional draft support for new tickets.
  • Improve behaviour of various input fields whilst using RTL languages.
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Reactions: Xon
  • Ensure last ticket message in ticket list view is anonymized.
  • Add the ability to automatically set the status of a ticket upon soft-delete.
  • Ensure action bar menu items collapse in to a menu at smaller viewports.
  • Add an option (defaulted off) to display signatures on ticket messages.
  • Ensure various status icons are displayed when listing tickets.
  • Fix an issue when trying to prune contents of fields that did not exist anymore.
  • Fix undefined "errorKey" when doing guest username validation.
  • Ensure guest username is handled correctly when inviting to the ticket.
  • Improve performance of XF1.x to XF2.x update when converting various fields to JSON.
  • Fix an issue preventing predefined responses from being used when BB code is disabled in the editor.
  • Allow banned users to utilise the ticket system.
  • Add inverted criteria options.
  • If transitioning to a status will send an alert, indicate this to staff users.
  • Add the ability to have user and moderator editable fields as well as preventing them from being edited.
  • Add the ability to select available custom fields when editing categories.
  • When converting a thread to a ticket, check if the thread starter still exists instead of throwing an error.
  • Fix view logic before ticket password check blocking guest access to a ticket.
  • Improve handling of guest password entry.
  • Fix inbound email processor not correctly handling malformed emails.
  • Fix exporting conversation/thread to ticket if IP records have been pruned.
  • Enforce requiring an email for guest tickets.
  • Add missing bookmark item template for ticket messages.
  • Fix ticket responses not being correctly set in editor when they contain BB code.
  • Fix escalation criteria "Time passed since last reply/ticket is greater/less than" check so it's not inverted.
  • Fix non-moderators not being able to view new ticket counts in moderator bar.
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