QuoteME !

Unmaintained QuoteME ! 2.1.1

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Reviews 5.00 star(s) 48 reviews

Several have commented this feature should be in XF's core and I have to agree. After years of running a vB board and having users repeatedly and needlessly quote entire posts, this add-on is certainly a breath of fresh air! Now, users can easily and quickly select 'exactly' what they are responding to in any previous posts of a thread.

It simply makes our board more readable and better for everyone involved. Three cheers for this add-on!
Thanks. For information: this feature is now in XF core ;)
Properly installed and working perfectly.
Thank you very much.
Brilliant Add-on! Outstanding work! Thanks for this! :)
Love this add-on!
One of the very best xen add-ons available.
I love it !!!
I have around 40 add-ons, and this is by far the most useful add-on on my installation. Well done!
Great, thank you very much for the updated.
Thank you very much, installed.
Thank you!!!!!
Работает, качать всем!!!
Properly installed and all your updates, thank you very much.
Great, thank you very much.
Updated perfectly!!
I really love this one. Will save me a lot of time, because I love quoting short phrases.
Top App and top support !! Download it ! And have fun !
Always wonderful!
Loved it!
Updated added successfully,
Thank you very much.
Great work, thank you very much mate.
Thank you very much.
Wow, simply amazing...yet so simple. My members love this feature. Something like this included in the XF core would really make a difference.
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