
Unmaintained HashTagging 2.2.2

No permission to buy ($25.00)
Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.3
  2. 1.4
  3. 1.5
Additional requirements
php 5.4+
mbstring php extension
Updates duration
12 months ($10 yearly renewal + GST for Australian Residents)
Visible branding
Yes, but removable with payment
Update (2016 May 28th):
@Xon has taken over this @Daniel Hood's add-on. This product is now available for purchase again. For more information read this thread.

xF HashTagging

Want your #forums to recognize #hashtags as twiter and facebook do? This addon allows your users to hashtag posts and renders links that open the hash cloud with the 10 most recent posts containing the same tag.

Some people think that hashtags can get in the way of the readability of a post, to combat that we provide the option to not show the # so it reads just like a normal #post with #words as links.

When a link is clicked, instead of navigating away from the current thread or page they're on, an overlay will pop up showing all relevant posts (with the thread title and time they were posted).

Watching Tags

If a member has an interest in a specific tag, they can "watch" that tag similarly to how you can watch threads/forums. When they elect to watch a tag, they'll be prompted to select the content types they want to watch and they'll receive an alert whenever that tag is used within those content types.


Admin Options

Minimum tag length: control how long a hashtag has to be in order to be recognized. The default is 3, so #be wouldn't be picked up, but #new would, so would #somethinglonger.

Display hash character: if you want to hide the # symbol just disable this. This will help maintain readability (in some people's opinion).

Branding policy: You may remove the "Powered By XenMods HashTags" link if the relevant optional extra is purchased during checkout.



I recommend using Add-on install & upgrade to install this add-on.
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 6 ratings

More resources from Xon

Latest updates

  1. 2.2.2 - Bugfix update

    Do not flag a post as containing a hashtag which is part of bbcode
  2. 2.2.1 - Bugfix update

    Fix undefined class error when posting an image or link
  3. 2.2.0 - Feature update

    Add no-follow links to hashtag links Uses Twitter's definition of a hashtag, enabling UTF8...

Latest reviews

Even members who don't use facebook or twitter (yes we have them) like the option to use hashtags :p
In my opinion one of the best addon available on XenForo. Even with thread tags integrated into default Xenforo installation, hashtags don't loose on relevance because you can not use tags into posts. This addon has great potential, and under Xon's development hammer, I am not afraid to put my hand into fire to say that this addon will be better and better.
#KeepOnXon ;)
It's beautiful and useful addon, great support! Thanks Daniel! :)
gets better and better with every update, also awesome support!
Thank you. :)
Great add-on that adds the popular "hashtagging" feature seen in social media. Updates coming all the time and good support from the developer.
Make sure you get v2, it's a lot better now.
Works perfect and the author is really helpful...
Thanks. Version 2 works even better. A lot more efficient.
Pretty cool!
I like it very much and my members too :)
Glad you and your community are enjoying it.
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