[DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce: Tickets

[DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce: Tickets 2.4.0

No permission to buy ($19.95)
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!!!This version requires PHP 7.4+!!!

This version adds the ability to quickly add the ticket's product to a user's cart when viewing a ticket. This can be quite useful if the ticket in question requires a renewed license, saving the customer time and reducing friction.

In addition, any tags a thread has is now shown in the "Open support tickets" widget block.

This version also refactors some backend code and fixes a compatibility issue with PHP 8.4.

Complete Change Log

Feature: Add a ticket's product to ticket starter's eCommerce order
Feature: Thread tags are now displayed below the thread info for support tickets
Change: Refactored backend code
Change: Bump minimum PHP version to 7.4 and recommended version to 8.2
Change: Update dependencies to the latest version(s)
Fix: Fix possible template error
Fix: Fix PHP 8.4 compatibility issue
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This version fixes an issue where converting an existing Node into an "eCommerce Support" node would produce server errors when opening existing threads.

Complete Change Log

Fix: Converting a forum to an eCommerce support forum would produce server errors when opening old threads
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This version fixes a few more issues related to using this add-on without tying tickets to eCommerce products.

Complete Change Log

Fix: Fix more issues related to product-less forums
Fix: Fix server error when trying to execute actions when creating a ticket with no product
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This version adds the option of changing the thread prefix when applying ticket actions, as well as fixing issues when attempting to use this product in a "standalone" mode (not associated with a DB eCommerce product).

Complete Change Log

Feature: New ticket action: Apply prefix
Fix: Fix server errors when not associating a ticket forum with an eCommerce product
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This version resolves a potential server error when viewing certain pages (mostly administrative editing pages).

Complete Change Log

Fix: Fix potential server errors when viewing certain pages
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This version adds a missing phrase related to the new Thread Type added with the XF 2.2 version of this add-on.

Complete Change Log

Fix: Add missing phrases for thread types
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This version adds a missing phrase related to the new Thread Type added with the XF 2.2 version of this add-on.

Complete Change Log

Fix: Added missing "Support ticket" plural phrase
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This version fixes an issue where a server error log entry could be generated if someone without appropriate permissions attempted to create a new thread in a support ticket forum.

Complete Change Log

Fix: A server error would be generated if someone without permission attempted to create a ticket
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Coinciding with the release of XenForo 2.2.0, all XenForo 2.2 versions are now Gold 🎉 This is also the last version that will contain the XF 2.2 / PHP 7.2 warning in the release notes.

Complete Change Log

No changes, version bump only
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This version contains coding style updates and changes for XenForo 2.2.0 / PHP 7.2.0. You must also upgrade DragonByte eCommerce to v2.2.0 prior to installing this update.

The main change in this version is that support tickets are now its own forum type, a new feature in XenForo 2.2. This means improved template support and reduced compatibility issues with 3rd party add-ons, as well as advanced filtering options when viewing a product's support forum.

Furthermore, the "Open support tickets" widget now uses a custom thread list macro, showing a ticket's status rather than the number of views the ticket has received.

This version is flagged as a Release Candidate version as it has been tested on a live site.

Complete Change Log

Feature: The "Open support tickets" widget now uses the custom thread list macro
Feature: Add filtering tabs to the support ticket forum view
Feature: Rework support forums to use the "Forum Type" and "Thread Type" systems in XenForo 2.2
Change: Make various custom fields extendable
Change: Update internal functions to follow new XenForo 2.1 / 2.2 coding standards
Fix: Fix template modifications for XenForo 2.2
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