[cXF] Icons in sidenav on Account page

[cXF] Icons in sidenav on Account page

Reviews 5.00 star(s) 4 reviews

The code is working perfectly on Xenforo 2.2.16. Easy to set and easy to change too. Thank you very much!
Thank you for your review!
Looks very nice! and brings a quick success for every admin, who wants to add some eyecandy in the early morninghours to his forum :D
Glad to hear it looks nice to you and thank you for your review.
Excellent, easy to install, and makes a massive difference to the overall look of your forums. Thanks for your time and effort @BassMan greatly appreciate your efforts in improving XF!
Thank you very much for your kind review. I'm glad you find it useful.
Save a lot of time with this easy tutorials... details are always good for online communities. Nice and useful... Thanks!
Thank you for your time to review.
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