Add a Facebook login button to the visitor panel

Unmaintained Add a Facebook login button to the visitor panel

Reviews 5.00 star(s) 16 reviews

thank you borgan
how about Google & twitter?
Thank you ..
Thanks Works like a charm
Very useful. Having to use this now since Social's broke.
Excellent addition.
Basic yet effective. Awesome work Brogan. Agree with the others it should be Core but with people like you here providing small tweaks like this it's not needed :D
Fantastic - should be included in the core as a number of forums remove the slide-down login when integrating into their own website. Plus makes it quicker for people to see they can just use facebook.
Simple and nice modification. :)
Great =) !
Excellent edit. Saw this on another forum, wondered how it was done. Thanks.
Simple idea that might encourage more sign ups :)
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