Reeve of Shinra
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  • ComicCMS for XenForo????
    I have been using XenForo long enough to realize that it should probably go the same path as what Social Groups addon... XenForo version is lacking immensely, I also have IPBoard site and there is Social Groups addon that is perfect. You may want to also delve in to the IP.Board community for creating addons.
    use XenForo using forum nodes with alternate PAGE-CONTAINER layout.. have you created any addons for XenForo yet?
    Reeve of Shinra
    Reeve of Shinra
    Havent had a lot of free time the last 2 years. been extremely busy with projects at work
    I hope you don't think this is weird, but I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the vb hacks you made over the years - reminds me of the better times of vb! lol
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