[XTR] Most Followers

[XTR] Most Followers 1.0.6

No permission to download
It is not possible to download it, it was free if I remember right? I went to download the latest version to update but it keeps telling me that I don't have permissions.
Thank you
It is not possible to download it, it was free if I remember right? I went to download the latest version to update but it keeps telling me that I don't have permissions.
Thank you
You'll likely need to verify your license via a validation token, and/or domain.
You'll likely need to verify your license via a validation token, and/or domain.
I already validated it a long time ago, that's why I was surprised. Maybe need to generate a new token...

Edit: Because of the license it is not

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It is not possible to download it, it was free if I remember right? I went to download the latest version to update but it keeps telling me that I don't have permissions.
Thank you

Please make sure to complete all verification steps. (y)

Please make sure to complete all verification steps. (y)

Upload a file to the server to verify if the domain corresponds... When the verified license itself already verifies that it is used for that domain.
I don't quite understand what is the point of this extra verification. I'll do it when I have free time.

Thanks anyway ;)

All the best
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