XPress - A theme and bridge for bringing WordPress into XenForo [Deleted]

It's a very powerful server and the WP installation has only one plugin, so no, it's definitely your plugin. Didn't you read what I said about the slow query log?
I read it, hence my reply. The free bridge does not execute any heavy code. All it does is an API call to the other platform upon a login request. If it's logged as slow, then that is because of said API call.
I read it, hence my reply. The free bridge does not execute any heavy code. All it does is an API call to the other platform upon a login request. If it's logged as slow, then that is because of said API call.
I see, sorry for the terse reply. I will investigate this.

I think there might be a conflict with an old version of an HTTP client called Guzzle within the 2 year old free plugin, it seems to be conflicting with the newer version in the WP plugin I have installed.
I need some help trying to write a conditional XF rule to control advertisement.

In "Post Below message container" is my ad code.

I am trying to show a certain ad only in the comments if the comments are viewed on the Wordpress side of a post. The forum thread when viewed from within the forum should show a different ad.

I have tried:

<xf:if is="$xf.reply.template == 'thxpress_wrapper'">
<xf:if is="$xf.reply.template == 'thread_view'">

I looked up the template by placing {{ dump($xf.reply.template)}} on top of PAGE_CONTAINER.

Any other way to conditionally filter between the thread_view within the forum vs. the thread_view with wordpress.
They're both compatible with 2.2 without any further updates. Any specifics you're looking for?
Hi Lukas,

Do you plan to make an addon with many good XPress ideas and article additions on the Xenforo 2.2 side?

I confess that I am still developing on my Xpress stack, but I strongly hesitate to migrate my Xpress specific developments to native Xenforo?

Using XPress on my side had never been motivated by a segmentation of the components (Xenforo & Wordpress) but because it lacked the native tools to succeed in making suitable articles.

Basically it would consist of:

- Adding a slider on the last articles or on articles fulfilling a condition (featured or not)

- A way to be able to add dynamic widgets in relation to custom fields defined in the creation of the article.

- A better management of the presented images. (but with Cover, it should be quite simple)

And that would already be very, very good.

Thank you in advance Lukas for your answer. (You can also discuss this directly on Themehouse)
Okay, I have tried everything, and I just can't seem to get this error fixed with Xlink. I keep getting a directory error whenever I try to connect Xlink to WP: "Directory not found: /home/master/applications/my_database_folder/public_html"

Disk Path: /home/master/applications/my_database_folder/public_html
URL: https://wordpress.mysite.net

The server is a Vultr HF via Cloudways. Not sure if it makes a difference or not, but XF2.2 is installed in the root directory, with the WordPress being installed on a subdomain created via an A Name record on Cloudflare.
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Okay, I have tried everything, and I just can't seem to get this error fixed with Xlink. I keep getting a directory error whenever I try to connect Xlink to WP: "Directory not found: /home/master/applications/my_database_folder/public_html"

Disk Path: /home/master/applications/my_database_folder/public_html
URL: https://wordpress.mysite.net

The server is a Vultr HF via Cloudways. Not sure if it makes a difference or not, but XF2.2 is installed in the root directory, with the WordPress being installed on a subdomain created via an A Name record on Cloudflare.
I see that Will, one of our developers, was able to get this resolved for you within a ticket you recently created today. Let us know if we can assist with anything else! :)
Hello, first of all thank you very much for your help ... I have installed wordpress together with xenforo and the xpress plugin, the free version that allows you to log in on one system and another. Wordpress is the latest version 5.5.1 and xenforo version v2.2.1 but it is not working for me.

When I login from wordpress with a xenforo user, the log throws me errors:

mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function exists () on string in /var/www/vhosts/adolphesax.com/nuevaweb.adolphesax.com/wp-includes/user.php:1385, referer : https://nuevaweb.adolphesax.com/wp-login.php

If I login from xenforo with a wordpress user it does not give an error but indicates that the user does not exist.

The Wordpress installation is:

and xenforo:

Do you know what the problem could be? Do I need the licensed version for it to work? In principle, I only needed to be able to login from wordpress or from xenforo.

As indicated in the plugin that works it would be good for me but it is not working:

Authenticate with WordPress

If enabled, when no XenForo user is found for the given login credentials, XPress Forum User Bridge attempts to authenticate the user against your WordPress installation. If a WordPress user is found, and a XenForo user for its email address exists, the XenForo user's password will be updated, otherwise a new XenForo user will be created.
Hello, first of all thank you very much for your help ... I have installed wordpress together with xenforo and the xpress plugin, the free version that allows you to log in on one system and another. Wordpress is the latest version 5.5.1 and xenforo version v2.2.1 but it is not working for me.

When I login from wordpress with a xenforo user, the log throws me errors:

mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function exists () on string in /var/www/vhosts/adolphesax.com/nuevaweb.adolphesax.com/wp-includes/user.php:1385, referer : https://nuevaweb.adolphesax.com/wp-login.php

If I login from xenforo with a wordpress user it does not give an error but indicates that the user does not exist.

The Wordpress installation is:

and xenforo:

Do you know what the problem could be? Do I need the licensed version for it to work? In principle, I only needed to be able to login from wordpress or from xenforo.

As indicated in the plugin that works it would be good for me but it is not working:

Authenticate with WordPress

If enabled, when no XenForo user is found for the given login credentials, XPress Forum User Bridge attempts to authenticate the user against your WordPress installation. If a WordPress user is found, and a XenForo user for its email address exists, the XenForo user's password will be updated, otherwise a new XenForo user will be created.
Hello Raulinesp,

I see we already have a ticket for you on this and I have assigned your ticket to one of our XPress experts. They will be in touch :)
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