XFS Mobile [Deleted]

At work now but do you recall if the issue was there before on the desktop in 1.0.5?

Scratch that, just realized it is not fixed, could of sworn it was working on my board last night. Apologies, edited the 1.0.6 release, I'll look into it more, I suspect I have a feeling what it is.
Curious to see if there are any update on this?
Curious to see if there are any update on this?

Sadly not :(, haven't really had a chance to look at it since 1.0.6 I'll try to dive into it tomorrow, I think it's a missing xen:if statement just from briefly looking at it..
Curious to see if there are any update on this?

Ok Andy... I think I've tracked down the issue. I was looking in the wrong place* hopefully.

Could you test it? Make a backup of the template "thread_view", then revert it. Assuming that fixes it for you(seems to be working on my phone) I'll get on re-working the thread_view template.

I kept thinking for some reason it was caused by a bad link I had in thread_list item
When trying to edit a post we get the "This action is available via POST only" error.
This only happens on the mobile site, tested with Andriod and iOs, Chrome, Maxthon, Opera

Any ideas?
i highly suggest the ff
- ability to enable/disable polls in styles options
- bigger window size for upload file overlay as its
difficult to press the SELECT and CLOSE button
since they are too close to each other especialy on
small screen devices like samsung galaxy s5360.

or relocate the close button on permanent right side
i highly suggest the ff
- ability to enable/disable polls in styles options
- bigger window size for upload file overlay as its
difficult to press the SELECT and CLOSE button
since they are too close to each other especialy on
small screen devices like samsung galaxy s5360.

or relocate the close button on permanent right side
View attachment 31920
Depending on phone version, hit Power+Volume Down to screenshot.
screenshot is shown above.

swatme sounds like a simple float, I'll see what I can find for you when I get home from work.

When trying to edit a post we get the "This action is available via POST only" error.
This only happens on the mobile site, tested with Andriod and iOs, Chrome, Maxthon, Opera

Any ideas?

Also I'll look into this, could be a simple URL fix for the edit button. Sorry for the late response.
Was the option to switch back to the full theme removed? There used to be an "xfStop" link you could click and switch.

Thanks in advance!
I'm sure this is probably mentioned somewhere and I'm sure I could search for it, but I'm hoping someone can quickly point me in the right direction. How would I go about adding the ability to use all of the bbcodes for this mobile theme? Thanks
I want to display an adsense mobile block at the bottom of mobile_navigation template but the style gets broken.

Why this?

I´ve tried to insert the block in many parts of the mobile style but every time I insert it the style is broken
I want to display an adsense mobile block at the bottom of mobile_navigation template but the style gets broken.

Why this?

I´ve tried to insert the block in many parts of the mobile style but every time I insert it the style is broken

Can you get a screenshot of what it's doing by chance?
You can reproduce this issue doing this:
On mobile_navigation template, at the bottom, insert this code:
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "ca-pub-5639118710167063";
/* FHC Mobile Ad Top */
google_ad_slot = "9481177090";
google_ad_width = 320;
google_ad_height = 50;
<script type="text/javascript"

You will see the style as broken, in the computer and also on a mobile phone.
Amazing Russ. I just upgraded to 1.06, its soooo fast.

Ive customised my own menu and everythings great. Unsure why though, sometimes the nav buttons just stop working. I thought it may be the browser I use on my Samsung Galaxy Nexus which is Chrome so I tried the default browser and it happend once there also, I tend to move really fast through the nav because I was testing so maybe this is why it was happening? I am not sure, I havent had a chance to test on other devices yet. Just thought you may like to know. Apart from that... sooooo fast and good. Just wondering if you plan on adding support for XenMedio? obviously because the thumbs are so big they are too wide for the page, is there some sort of auto width parameter we can set for the mobile style? Feel free to test on mmazone.com.au

Thanks Russ, keep up the good work
Also I think I just found a bug. All of my PM are dated the current date(13th August 2012) even the ones from last year. It shows up fine in the main PM box but when you open a PM all the dates stamped on each message has todays date.

I think I have the XenMedia fixes installed on my style, I think it's a bit you can throw into extra.css I'll try to get it to you tonight.

As for the PM.... interesting... going on a bit of vacation this weekend so I should be able to get a patch out.

I've been busy with my new project(Gamer Exit) or else I'd have more time to work on this!
I think I have the XenMedia fixes installed on my style, I think it's a bit you can throw into extra.css I'll try to get it to you tonight.

As for the PM.... interesting... going on a bit of vacation this weekend so I should be able to get a patch out.

I've been busy with my new project(Gamer Exit) or else I'd have more time to work on this!
That would be unreal, once I have XenMedio looking good then I have a really nice mobile site thanks to you.

If you can patch it, thats great, if not then no big deal, its not a major issue for me atm.

Nice work on gamerexit, really like how you modified XenPortas newsblock, looks very clean,

Thanks Russ
I haven't looked at this in a long time... so does this redirect now automatically out of the box between styles, without having to add the additional addon mentioned in the description? Meaning a mobile user will automatically view this style, and when back on their desktop, they see the normal style?
I haven't looked at this in a long time... so does this redirect now automatically out of the box between styles, without having to add the additional addon mentioned in the description? Meaning a mobile user will automatically view this style, and when back on their desktop, they see the normal style?

Nope, add-on is required. I prefer alexD's addon though, simply easy to use and you can customize the settings quite a bit.
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