xfPoints [Paid] [Deleted]

If you follow my instructions and use the built in purchasing of points then no usergroup change will happen.

I'll check on that error.

Oh so still use.. 9. Place this in the template: <a href="{xen:link 'mypoints/purchase', $user}" class="OverlayTrigger" data-overlayOptions="{&quot;fixed&quot;:true}">Buy Now</a> ? I thought you had told me on your site to scratch those instructions you forgot to remove them..
v1.0.3a is now available for download. 1 fix so used a minor letter to determine the version number.
NOTE: Support will no longer be handled in discussions on the site. You MUST report any bugs or suggestions on my site as I will not check this site very often. If you do post a bug report or suggestion here it will go ignored. Mythotical Mods Bug Tracker
I don't want to have many Points system on my forum.
It's great if I can use with trophy point.
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