Implemented XFMG video upload

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Don't forget to include ability to permits preroll, post roll, or banner image ads that display before playing, and auto generate a thumbnail for social media sharing with option to upload custom thumbnail - all displayable of course based on user group, so you can have ad-free groups.
I really am in need of something like this.
Currently I am scratching my head as to implement it so;
Users can upload files and then embed them - embedding is the easy part, but I need an option to play and upload..
Minefield lol.

But yes this would be very good indeed. As @Robust pointed out, Media gallery..
Would be perfect in a way, especially if you can hammer offsite media servers. ;)
I would prefer having uploaded videos sent to YouTube via their API. This would have two benefits:
  1. Potentially expose your content to a wider audience and increasing traffic
  2. Offloading the bandwidth, storage and processing overhead
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YouTube videos are stupid because many are deleted.
If you are on its own server, it is much better.
Therefore, it should be possible at Xenforo 2.0 upload!
YouTube videos are stupid because many are deleted.
If you are on its own server, it is much better.
Therefore, it should be possible at Xenforo 2.0 upload!

The videos would pass through the site to a single YouTube account dedicated to the website - Users wouldn't be able to delete anything unless YouTube, someone with permission to do so on the site or someone with access to the YouTube account removed it.
YouTube videos are stupid because many are deleted.
If you are on its own server, it is much better.
Therefore, it should be possible at Xenforo 2.0 upload!
Youtube only deletes videos when people use other peoples IP in a blatent show of theft to gain views and subscribers, or of course if you upload some nastiness that has no place on the public face of the internet.

Video being on your server only works if videos are already encoded in a web friendly format (and really you cant trust userland encoded video, you need to encode it again)....most of your users wont have a clue what that means...which for you means upon upload you would have to batch process all uploaded videos from a queue that sends them one at a time to ffmpeg and I can tell that a 720 video encoding with decent parameters is going to tax your server more than 50 or 100 users viewing pages would.

Basically unless you have a server specifically for video encoding which you can offload all encoding jobs to, or use an encoding/delivery service (which costs as much as a decent server) or already have a ridiculously powerful server that uses like 1% of it's resources upload/encoding video to your own server is not happening.

Check these prices out.
don't even count the first column, 1Gb is nothing when it comes to video

The youtube uploader concept works (have tested making both, one that uses one account and another which requires you to authorize uploading to your YT account through the xf site) and for the general public it is the only viable option and most of all it is free.
Youtube only deletes videos when people use other peoples IP in a blatent show of theft to gain views and subscribers, or of course if you upload some nastiness that has no place on the public face of the internet.

Video being on your server only works if videos are already encoded in a web friendly format (and really you cant trust userland encoded video, you need to encode it again)....most of your users wont have a clue what that means...which for you means upon upload you would have to batch process all uploaded videos from a queue that sends them one at a time to ffmpeg and I can tell that a 720 video encoding with decent parameters is going to tax your server more than 50 or 100 users viewing pages would.

Basically unless you have a server specifically for video encoding which you can offload all encoding jobs to, or use an encoding/delivery service (which costs as much as a decent server) or already have a ridiculously powerful server that uses like 1% of it's resources upload/encoding video to your own server is not happening.

Check these prices out.
don't even count the first column, 1Gb is nothing when it comes to video

The youtube uploader concept works (have tested making both, one that uses one account and another which requires you to authorize uploading to your YT account through the xf site) and for the general public it is the only viable option and most of all it is free.
Good call - I didn't even consider the benefit of not having to encode or enforce web-friendly video formats.
I'll cast another vote for this feature.
I'm on the fence about upgrading from VB 3.8 to VB5 or migrating to xenForo. This would definitely make me choose xenForo.
I've got a forum with 6+ million attachments. Mostly photos, but about 100,000 videos. Being able to convert new videos to a mobile friendly format when they are posted and letting people either download the original or view a streaming version online would be a major seller.
I'll cast another vote for this feature.
I'm on the fence about upgrading from VB 3.8 to VB5 or migrating to xenForo. This would definitely make me choose xenForo.
I've got a forum with 6+ million attachments. Mostly photos, but about 100,000 videos. Being able to convert new videos to a mobile friendly format when they are posted and letting people either download the original or view a streaming version online would be a major seller.
Please like the first post, it's the number of first post likes that are taken into consideration for suggestions.
I've got a forum with 6+ million attachments. Mostly photos, but about 100,000 videos. Being able to convert new videos to a mobile friendly format when they are posted and letting people either download the original or view a streaming version online would be a major seller.
Whatever you do, do not migrate to vb5 unless you want to kill off your site.

XenGallery has just added video upload:
Its certainly a major seller. I am thinking about moving my sites away from XFMG to XenGallery because of this.
It also has redirection scripts which XFMG still doesn't have.
Whatever you do, do not migrate to vb5 unless you want to kill off your site.

XenGallery has just added video upload:
Its certainly a major seller. I am thinking about moving my sites away from XFMG to XenGallery because of this.
It also has redirection scripts which XFMG still doesn't have.

@Alfa1 thank you for sharing this...
We need this option and now that someone has released one, I will most likely too move from XFMG to Xengallery.
Thank you for this info!
video??? waaaaaaaaa

you saved me alot of money, now i don't have to get add-on made, i hate add-ons! i like official xenforo add-ons

tank you sir!!
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