As designed XFES title-only search results include posts where keywords were not in the title?


Active member
Affected version
I'm using XFES 2.1.1 on an Xenforo 2.1.2 connected to an ElasticSearch 7.1.1 instance. I have word stemming on and stop words.

If I do an advanced search for the word "fractool", limiting results to titles only and sorting by relevance I see 8 of the 30 results returned have the word in the post body but NOT in the title.

For example, this post is among the first page of returned results. You can see "fractool" in the post body and that it is clearly not in the title of the thread.

Query parameters for that search were: q=fractool&c[title_only]=1&o=relevance if you want to try it from our search page yourself.

It appears that even with "titles only" checked the search results include in tag matches for the keyword. That's...counter-intuitive to say the least.
Update: even limiting search to title posts from the Search threads tab on the advanced search page returns results where tags hit on the keyword. Definitely seems a bug that you can't include or exclude tag matches when you search.
the search results include in tag matches for the keyword. That's...counter-intuitive to say the least.
That's how we specifically intended this system to work. In order to make title searches more relevant, we concatenate the tags onto the title within the index.

You can post a suggestion if you wish, but otherwise this isn't a bug.
That's how we specifically intended this system to work. In order to make title searches more relevant, we concatenate the tags onto the title within the index.

You can post a suggestion if you wish, but otherwise this isn't a bug.
An explanation is as good as anything here. Thanks!
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