[XF2SEO] XenForo SEO

[XF2SEO] XenForo SEO 2021-12-11

No permission to download
Any idea when the premium versiuon will be available (I want to spend money before end of tax year, ie before April 1)
If I noindex a thread, does it remove it from the sitemap?

I think if it disn't that would be apain: getting nagged by Google.

I don't believe so, though, it would be a good idea to have that thread removed from sitemap.

Any idea when the premium versiuon will be available (I want to spend money before end of tax year, ie before April 1)

No plan for the premium version yet. Wanted to see if we can continue to add/improve the add-on without charging :)
I am getting this error in the admin cp for your add-on even though everything seems to be working. Any ideas?
I have checked that this file exists in the correct place and it's permissions are correct.

Exception: Could not find class XF2SEO\SEOPackage\XF\Entity\User when attempting to extend XF\Entity\User src/XF/Extension.php:174
Hi there, I'm using XenForo SEO for 2 - 3 months and liked it very much. Especially, keyword linking feature.

I wonder if it is possible to make a search in linked keywords in admin panel. Thank you. :)
I am getting this error in the admin cp for your add-on even though everything seems to be working. Any ideas?
I have checked that this file exists in the correct place and it's permissions are correct.

Exception: Could not find class XF2SEO\SEOPackage\XF\Entity\User when attempting to extend XF\Entity\User src/XF/Extension.php:174
We were able to locate the problem. We have a dev forum and production forum. For some reason there were some shared resources between the 2 sites that was causing the admin cp errors for the plugin.
We were able to locate the problem. We have a dev forum and production forum. For some reason there were some shared resources between the 2 sites that was causing the admin cp errors for the plugin.

Glad to hear. Thanks for the update.
Hi there, I'm using XenForo SEO for 2 - 3 months and liked it very much. Especially, keyword linking feature.

I wonder if it is possible to make a search in linked keywords in admin panel. Thank you. :)

Thank you for your support. What do you mean by "a search in linked keywords"?
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Thank you for your support. What do you mean by "a search in linked keywords"?
I meant, search within internal links section. I've got ~100 internal links and sometimes I forgot them and afraid of posting them twice. :)

Is it OK to post internal links twice?
I don't think this add-on can match the Xenmade add-on which unfortunately is no longer supported. Here you can't even add an image for search engines
Plans on adding Image Support for Links in metadata previews for sites like twitter, facebook, and so on?
Just installed but can't see edit metadata option in thread mini-menu.
How to activate it ?
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